Electron cryo-tomography reconstruction and subvolume averaging of the A-C linker from the start of the proximal region of Paramecium tetraurelia basal body
Subtomogram averaging31.2 Å

Map released: 23/09/2020
Last modified: 14/04/2021
Sample Organism:
Paramecium tetraurelia
Sample: Electron cryo-tomography reconstruction and subvolume averaging of the microtubule triplet from the start of the proximal region of Paramecium tetraurelia basal body
Deposition Authors: Guichard P, Hamel V, Le Guennec M
Sample: Electron cryo-tomography reconstruction and subvolume averaging of the microtubule triplet from the start of the proximal region of Paramecium tetraurelia basal body
Deposition Authors: Guichard P, Hamel V, Le Guennec M
Architecture of the centriole cartwheel-containing region revealed by cryo-electron tomography.
Klena N
Le Guennec M
Tassin AM,
van den Hoek H
Erdmann PS,
Schaffer M,
Geimer S,
Aeschlimann G
Kovacik L,
Sadian Y,
Goldie KN
Stahlberg H
Engel BD
Hamel V
Guichard P
(2020) Embo J. , 39 , e106246 - e106246

(2020) Embo J. , 39 , e106246 - e106246
Centrioles are evolutionarily conserved barrels of microtubule triplets that form the core of the centrosome and the base of the cilium. While the crucial role of the proximal region in centriole biogenesis has been well documented, its native architecture and evolutionary conservation remain relatively unexplored. Here, using cryo-electron tomography of centrioles from four evolutionarily distant species, we report on the architectural diversity of the centriole's proximal cartwheel-bearing region. Our work reveals that the cartwheel central hub is constructed from a stack of paired rings with cartwheel inner densities inside. In both Paramecium and Chlamydomonas, the repeating structural unit of the cartwheel has a periodicity of 25 nm and consists of three ring pairs, with 6 radial spokes emanating and merging into a single bundle that connects to the microtubule triplet via the D2-rod and the pinhead. Finally, we identified that the cartwheel is indirectly connected to the A-C linker through the triplet base structure extending from the pinhead. Together, our work provides unprecedented evolutionary insights into the architecture of the centriole proximal region, which underlies centriole biogenesis.
Centrioles are evolutionarily conserved barrels of microtubule triplets that form the core of the centrosome and the base of the cilium. While the crucial role of the proximal region in centriole biogenesis has been well documented, its native architecture and evolutionary conservation remain relatively unexplored. Here, using cryo-electron tomography of centrioles from four evolutionarily distant species, we report on the architectural diversity of the centriole's proximal cartwheel-bearing region. Our work reveals that the cartwheel central hub is constructed from a stack of paired rings with cartwheel inner densities inside. In both Paramecium and Chlamydomonas, the repeating structural unit of the cartwheel has a periodicity of 25 nm and consists of three ring pairs, with 6 radial spokes emanating and merging into a single bundle that connects to the microtubule triplet via the D2-rod and the pinhead. Finally, we identified that the cartwheel is indirectly connected to the A-C linker through the triplet base structure extending from the pinhead. Together, our work provides unprecedented evolutionary insights into the architecture of the centriole proximal region, which underlies centriole biogenesis.