
33.0 Å
EMD-1901 Deposition: 25/05/2011
Map released: 10/06/2011
Last modified: 09/09/2011
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Overview 3D View Sample Experiment Validation Volume Browser Additional data Links


Insights into the structure of the CCR4-NOT Complex by electron microscopy


33.0 Å
EMD-1901 Deposition: 25/05/2011
Map released: 10/06/2011
Last modified: 09/09/2011
Overview 3D View Sample Experiment Validation Volume Browser Additional data Links
Sample Organism: Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Sample: Ccr4Not core-complex

Deposition Authors: Nasertorabi F, Batisse C , Diepholz M, Suck D, Bottcher B
Insights into the structure of the CCR4-NOT complex by electron microscopy.
Nasertorabi F, Batisse C , Diepholz M, Suck D, Bottcher B
(2011) Febs Lett. , 585 , 2182 - 2186
The CCR4-NOT complex is a deadenylation complex, which plays a major role for mRNA stability. The complex is conserved from yeast to human and consists of nine proteins NOT1-NOT5, CCR4, CAF1, CAF40 and CAF130. We have successfully isolated the complex using a Protein A tag on NOT1, followed by cross-linking on a glycerol gradient. All components of the complex were identified by mass spectrometry. Electron microscopy of negatively stained particles followed by image reconstruction revealed an L-shaped complex with two arms of similar length. The arms form an accessible cavity, which we think could provide an extensive interface for RNA-deadenylation.