
5.96 Å
EMD-21698 Deposition: 14/04/2020
Map released: 05/08/2020
Last modified: 02/12/2020
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Overview 3D View Sample Experiment Validation Volume Browser Additional data Links


SD-like state of human 26S proteasome in complex with non-cleavable M1-linked hexaubiquitin


5.96 Å
EMD-21698 Deposition: 14/04/2020
Map released: 05/08/2020
Last modified: 02/12/2020
Overview 3D View Sample Experiment Validation Volume Browser Additional data Links
Sample Organism: Homo sapiens
Sample: Human 26S Proteasome with non-cleavable M1-linked hexaubiquitin
Raw data: EMPIAR-10402

Deposition Authors: Chen X, Walters KJ
Cryo-EM Reveals Unanchored M1-Ubiquitin Chain Binding at hRpn11 of the 26S Proteasome.
Chen X, Dorris Z, Shi D, Huang RK, Khant H, Fox T, de Val N, Williams D, Zhang P , Walters KJ
(2020) Structure , 28 , 1206 - 1217.e4
PUBMED: 32783951
DOI: doi:10.1016/j.str.2020.07.011
ISSN: 0969-2126
The 26S proteasome is specialized for regulated protein degradation and formed by a dynamic regulatory particle (RP) that caps a hollow cylindrical core particle (CP) where substrates are proteolyzed. Its diverse substrates unify as proteasome targets by ubiquitination. We used cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM) to study how human 26S proteasome interacts with M1-linked hexaubiquitin (M1-Ub6) unanchored to a substrate and E3 ubiquitin ligase E6AP/UBE3A. Proteasome structures are available with model substrates extending through the RP ATPase ring and substrate-conjugated K63-linked ubiquitin chains present at inhibited deubiquitinating enzyme hRpn11 and the nearby ATPase hRpt4/hRpt5 coiled coil. In this study, we find M1-Ub6 at the hRpn11 site despite the absence of conjugated substrate, indicating that ubiquitin binding at this location does not require substrate interaction with the RP. Moreover, unanchored M1-Ub6 binds to this hRpn11 site of the proteasome with the CP gating residues in both the closed and opened conformational states.