
2.6 Å
EMD-22357 Deposition: 27/07/2020
Map released: 02/09/2020
Last modified: 20/11/2024
Overview 3D View Sample Experiment Validation Volume Browser Additional data Links
Overview 3D View Sample Experiment Validation Volume Browser Additional data Links


Structural Basis of the Activation of Heterotrimeric Gs-protein by Isoproterenol-bound Beta1-Adrenergic Receptor


2.6 Å
EMD-22357 Deposition: 27/07/2020
Map released: 02/09/2020
Last modified: 20/11/2024
Overview 3D View Sample Experiment Validation Volume Browser Additional data Links
Sample Organism: Bos taurus, Lama glama, Meleagris gallopavo
Sample: Isoproterenol bound beta1 adrenergic receptor in complex with heterotrimeric Gs protein
Fitted models: 7jjo (Avg. Q-score: 0.599)

Deposition Authors: Su M, Zhu L
Structural Basis of the Activation of Heterotrimeric Gs-Protein by Isoproterenol-Bound beta 1 -Adrenergic Receptor.
PUBMED: 32818430
DOI: doi:10.1016/j.molcel.2020.08.001
ISSN: 1097-2765
Cardiac disease remains the leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. The β1-adrenergic receptor (β1-AR) is a major regulator of cardiac functions and is downregulated in the majority of heart failure cases. A key physiological process is the activation of heterotrimeric G-protein Gs by β1-ARs, leading to increased heart rate and contractility. Here, we use cryo-electron microscopy and functional studies to investigate the molecular mechanism by which β1-AR activates Gs. We find that the tilting of α5-helix breaks a hydrogen bond between the sidechain of His373 in the C-terminal α5-helix and the backbone carbonyl of Arg38 in the N-terminal αN-helix of Gαs. Together with the disruption of another interacting network involving Gln59 in the α1-helix, Ala352 in the β6-α5 loop, and Thr355 in the α5-helix, these conformational changes might lead to the deformation of the GDP-binding pocket. Our data provide molecular insights into the activation of G-proteins by G-protein-coupled receptors.