
Composite map
3.8 Å
EMD-34955 Deposition: 14/12/2022
Map released: 13/12/2023
Last modified: 27/12/2023
Overview 3D View Sample Experiment Validation Volume Browser Additional data Links
Overview 3D View Sample Experiment Validation Volume Browser Additional data Links


Baseplate of DT57C bacteriophage in the full state


Composite map
3.8 Å
EMD-34955 Deposition: 14/12/2022
Map released: 13/12/2023
Last modified: 27/12/2023
Overview 3D View Sample Experiment Validation Volume Browser Additional data Links
Deposited files
File Category Contour level Toggle Settings
emd_34955.map.gz Primary map 4.0
8hqz.cif Model - -
emd_34955_half_map_2.map.gz Half map
emd_34955_half_map_1.map.gz Half map
Composite map
EMDB ID Relationship Details Toggle Settings
EMD-34920 Other EM volume Capsid of DT57C bacteriophage in the full state
EMD-34949 Other EM volume Capsid of DT57C bacteriophage in the empty state
EMD-34952 Other EM volume Neck of DT57C bacteriophage in the full state
EMD-35099 Consensus EM volume Consensus refinement for the baseplate of DT57C bacteriophage
EMD-35100 Focused EM volume Focused refinement of the baseplate of DT57C focused around its core region
EMD-35101 Focused EM volume Focused refinement of the baseplate of DT57C focused around the baseplate hub protein