
8.0 Å
EMD-3879 Deposition: 18/09/2017
Map released: 29/11/2017
Last modified: 04/12/2019
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Overview 3D View Sample Experiment Validation Volume Browser Additional data Links


The baseplate of a non-contractile T6SS sheath.


8.0 Å
EMD-3879 Deposition: 18/09/2017
Map released: 29/11/2017
Last modified: 04/12/2019
Overview 3D View Sample Experiment Validation Volume Browser Additional data Links
Sample Organism: Vibrio cholerae
Sample: The baseplate of a non-contractile T6SS sheath.

Deposition Authors: Nazarov S, Basler M
Cryo-EM reconstruction of Type VI secretion system baseplate and sheath distal end.
PUBMED: 29255010
DOI: doi:10.15252/embj.201797103
ISSN: 1460-2075
The bacterial Type VI secretion system (T6SS) assembles from three major parts: a membrane complex that spans inner and outer membranes, a baseplate, and a sheath-tube polymer. The baseplate assembles around a tip complex with associated effectors and connects to the membrane complex by TssK. The baseplate assembly initiates sheath-tube polymerization, which in some organisms requires TssA. Here, we analyzed both ends of isolated non-contractile Vibrio cholerae sheaths by cryo-electron microscopy. Our analysis suggests that the baseplate, solved to an average 8.0 Å resolution, is composed of six subunits of TssE/F2/G and the baseplate periphery is decorated by six TssK trimers. The VgrG/PAAR tip complex in the center of the baseplate is surrounded by a cavity, which may accommodate up to ~450 kDa of effector proteins. The distal end of the sheath, resolved to an average 7.5 Å resolution, shows sixfold symmetry; however, its protein composition is unclear. Our structures provide an important step toward an atomic model of the complete T6SS assembly.