Intact state2 V-ATPase of isolated synaptic vesicles from wild-type mouse brain by subtomogram averaging
Subtomogram averaging15.9 Å

Map released: 19/06/2024
Last modified: 07/08/2024
Sample Organism:
Mus musculus
Sample: Mouse brain isolated glutamatergic synaptic vesicles
Deposition Authors: Wang C
Jiang W,
Yang K
Wang X,
Guo Q
Brunger AT
Sample: Mouse brain isolated glutamatergic synaptic vesicles
Deposition Authors: Wang C

Structure and topography of the synaptic V-ATPase-synaptophysin complex.
Wang C
Jiang W,
Leitz J,
Yang K
Esquivies L,
Wang X,
Shen X
Held RG
Adams DJ
Basta T,
Hampton L,
Jian R
Jiang L,
Stowell MHB
Baumeister W
Guo Q
Brunger AT
(2024) Nature , 631 , 899 - 904

(2024) Nature , 631 , 899 - 904
Synaptic vesicles are organelles with a precisely defined protein and lipid composition1,2, yet the molecular mechanisms for the biogenesis of synaptic vesicles are mainly unknown. Here we discovered a well-defined interface between the synaptic vesicle V-ATPase and synaptophysin by in situ cryo-electron tomography and single-particle cryo-electron microscopy of functional synaptic vesicles isolated from mouse brains3. The synaptic vesicle V-ATPase is an ATP-dependent proton pump that establishes the proton gradient across the synaptic vesicle, which in turn drives the uptake of neurotransmitters4,5. Synaptophysin6 and its paralogues synaptoporin7 and synaptogyrin8 belong to a family of abundant synaptic vesicle proteins whose function is still unclear. We performed structural and functional studies of synaptophysin-knockout mice, confirming the identity of synaptophysin as an interaction partner with the V-ATPase. Although there is little change in the conformation of the V-ATPase upon interaction with synaptophysin, the presence of synaptophysin in synaptic vesicles profoundly affects the copy number of V-ATPases. This effect on the topography of synaptic vesicles suggests that synaptophysin assists in their biogenesis. In support of this model, we observed that synaptophysin-knockout mice exhibit severe seizure susceptibility, suggesting an imbalance of neurotransmitter release as a physiological consequence of the absence of synaptophysin.
Synaptic vesicles are organelles with a precisely defined protein and lipid composition1,2, yet the molecular mechanisms for the biogenesis of synaptic vesicles are mainly unknown. Here we discovered a well-defined interface between the synaptic vesicle V-ATPase and synaptophysin by in situ cryo-electron tomography and single-particle cryo-electron microscopy of functional synaptic vesicles isolated from mouse brains3. The synaptic vesicle V-ATPase is an ATP-dependent proton pump that establishes the proton gradient across the synaptic vesicle, which in turn drives the uptake of neurotransmitters4,5. Synaptophysin6 and its paralogues synaptoporin7 and synaptogyrin8 belong to a family of abundant synaptic vesicle proteins whose function is still unclear. We performed structural and functional studies of synaptophysin-knockout mice, confirming the identity of synaptophysin as an interaction partner with the V-ATPase. Although there is little change in the conformation of the V-ATPase upon interaction with synaptophysin, the presence of synaptophysin in synaptic vesicles profoundly affects the copy number of V-ATPases. This effect on the topography of synaptic vesicles suggests that synaptophysin assists in their biogenesis. In support of this model, we observed that synaptophysin-knockout mice exhibit severe seizure susceptibility, suggesting an imbalance of neurotransmitter release as a physiological consequence of the absence of synaptophysin.