
34.0 Å
EMD-5621 Deposition: 22/03/2013
Map released: 24/04/2013
Last modified: 23/04/2014
Overview 3D View Sample Experiment Validation Volume Browser Additional data Links
Overview 3D View Sample Experiment Validation Volume Browser Additional data Links


Outer dynein arm - microtubule complex, biotin-streptavidin tagged at the carboxyl-terminus of the intermediate chain 2.


34.0 Å
EMD-5621 Deposition: 22/03/2013
Map released: 24/04/2013
Last modified: 23/04/2014
Overview 3D View Sample Experiment Validation Volume Browser Additional data Links
Sample Organism: Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
Sample: Outer dynein arms from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii bound to porcine microtubules

Deposition Authors: Oda T , Yagi T , Yanagisawa HA , Kikkawa M
Identification of the Outer-Inner Dynein Linker as a Hub Controller for Axonemal Dynein Activities
Oda T , Yagi T , Yanagisawa HA , Kikkawa M
(2013) Curr. Biol. , 23 , 656 - 664
In flagella, the outer dynein arm (ODA) and inner dynein arm (IDA) play distinct roles in generating beating motion. However, functional communications between the two dyneins have not been investigated.
Here, we demonstrated by cryo-electron microscopy and chemical crosslinking that intermediate chain 2 (IC2) of ODAs interacts with the dynein regulatory complex in the axoneme and constitutes part of the outer-inner dynein (OID) linker. Furthermore, we identified IC2 as a functional hub between ODAs and IDAs based on the phenotypes of Chlamydomonas mutants expressing biotinylation-tagged IC2. The flagella of the IC2 mutant showed activated microtubule sliding and enhanced ATPase activities of ODAs, as well as an altered waveform, indicating attenuated IDA activity.
We concluded that the OID linker controls both ODAs and IDAs and regulates flagellar beating.