
7.4 Å
EMD-9142 Deposition: 27/09/2018
Map released: 20/02/2019
Last modified: 20/02/2019
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Overview 3D View Sample Experiment Validation Volume Browser Additional data Links


CryoEM map of cleaved H7 Shanghai in complex with H7.5 Fab


7.4 Å
EMD-9142 Deposition: 27/09/2018
Map released: 20/02/2019
Last modified: 20/02/2019
Overview 3D View Sample Experiment Validation Volume Browser Additional data Links
Sample Organism: Homo sapiens
Sample: CryoEM map of cleaved H7 Shanghai in complex with H7.5 Fab

Deposition Authors: Ward AB, Turner HL, Pallesen J
Potent anti-influenza H7 human monoclonal antibody induces separation of hemagglutinin receptor-binding head domains.
Turner HL , Pallesen J , Lang S, Bangaru S , Urata S, Li S , Cottrell CA , Bowman CA, Crowe Jr JE , Wilson IA , Ward AB
(2019) PLoS Biol. , 17 , e3000139 - e3000139
PUBMED: 30716060
DOI: doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.3000139
ISSN: 1545-7885
Seasonal influenza virus infections can cause significant morbidity and mortality, but the threat from the emergence of a new pandemic influenza strain might have potentially even more devastating consequences. As such, there is intense interest in isolating and characterizing potent neutralizing antibodies that target the hemagglutinin (HA) viral surface glycoprotein. Here, we use cryo-electron microscopy (cryoEM) to decipher the mechanism of action of a potent HA head-directed monoclonal antibody (mAb) bound to an influenza H7 HA. The epitope of the antibody is not solvent accessible in the compact, prefusion conformation that typifies all HA structures to date. Instead, the antibody binds between HA head protomers to an epitope that must be partly or transiently exposed in the prefusion conformation. The "breathing" of the HA protomers is implied by the exposure of this epitope, which is consistent with metastability of class I fusion proteins. This structure likely therefore represents an early structural intermediate in the viral fusion process. Understanding the extent of transient exposure of conserved neutralizing epitopes also may lead to new opportunities to combat influenza that have not been appreciated previously.