Edit your search query here and hit Return to execute it:
* AND current_status:"AUTH" AND author_orcid:"0000-0001-7254-4128"
Number of entries released by year
Line chart with 2 lines.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying values. Range: since 2002
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Number of entries. Range: -0.5 to 0.5.
End of interactive chart.
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This entry has been annotated and is awaiting approval.

E. coli GroEL bound with ATP and PBZ1587 inhibitor

This entry has been annotated and is awaiting approval.

E. coli GroES-GroEL-GroES football complex

This entry has been annotated and is awaiting approval.

E. coli SR1 single-ring GroEL oligomer

This entry has been annotated and is awaiting approval.

E. coli SR1 single-ring GroEL oligomer

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