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* AND current_status:"AUTH" AND author_orcid:"0000-0001-7780-5278"
This entry has been annotated and is awaiting approval.
This entry has been annotated and is awaiting approval.
RNA scaffold attached to Mango in the presence of TO1-biotin
This entry has been annotated and is awaiting approval.
RNA scaffold attached to Mango in the absence of ligand
This entry has been annotated and is awaiting approval.
RNA scaffold attached to 8-oxoguanine riboswitch aptamer
This entry has been annotated and is awaiting approval.
RNA scaffold attached to 8-oxoguanine riboswitch aptamer core only
This entry has been annotated and is awaiting approval.
RNA scaffold attached to 8-oxoguanine riboswitch aptamer, combined core plus aptamer
This entry has been annotated and is awaiting approval.
Scaffold attached to quinine-I aptamer (Tonic) local refinement of core