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author:"Stoddard B"
Lee S, Kibler RD, Hsia Y, Borst AJ, Philomin A, Kennedy MA, Stoddard B, Baker D
To Be Published
- Icos(t=4)-4 (Complex from synthetic construct)
- Icos(t=4)-4 chain c (Protein from synthetic construct)
- Icos(t=4)-4 chain a (Protein from synthetic construct)
- Icos(t=4)-4 chain ho (Protein from synthetic construct)
- Icos(t=4)-4 chain b (Protein from synthetic construct)
CryoEM map of a T=1 off-target state of design Ico(T=4)-4
Lee S, Kibler RD, Hsia Y, Borst AJ, Philomin A, Kennedy MA, Stoddard B, Baker D
To Be Published
Lee S, Kibler RD, Hsia Y, Borst AJ, Philomin A, Kennedy MA, Stoddard B, Baker D
To Be Published
- Oct(t=4)-3 chain ho (Protein from synthetic construct)
- Oct(t=4)-3 (Complex from synthetic construct)
- Oct(t=4)-3 chain a (Protein from synthetic construct)
- Oct(t=4)-3 chain c (Protein from synthetic construct)
- Oct(t=4)-3 chain b (Protein from synthetic construct)
CryoEM map of a T=1 off-target state of design Oct(T=4)-3
Lee S, Kibler RD, Hsia Y, Borst AJ, Philomin A, Kennedy MA, Stoddard B, Baker D
To Be Published
- Oct(t=4)-3 (Complex from synthetic construct)