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Epstein-Barr Virus glycoproteins, gH/gL/gp42 inserted ferritin nanoparticles
Bu W, Joyce MG, Nguyen H, Banh DV, Aguilar F, Tariq Z, Yap ML, Tsujimura Y, Gillespie RA, Tsybovsky Y, Andrews SF, Narpala SR, McDermott AB, Rossmann MG, Yasutomi Y, Nabel GJ, Kanekiyo M, Cohen JI
Immunity (2019) 50 pp. 1305-1316.e6 [ DOI: doi:10.1016/j.immuni.2019.03.010 Pubmed: 30979688 ]
Epstein-Barr Virus glycoproteins, gH/gL inserted ferritin nanoparticles
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