Cryo-electron tomogram from a cryo-FIB lift-out lamella of Drosophila melanogaster egg chambers
Klumpe S, Fung HKH, Goetz SK, Zagoriy I, Hampoelz B, Zhang X, Erdmann PS, Baumbach J, Muller CW, Beck M, Plitzko JM, Mahamid J
eLife (2021) 10 [ DOI: doi:10.7554/eLife.70506 Pubmed: 34951584 ]
Cryo-FIB-SEM volume in a Sum159 human cell line
Klumpe S, Fung HKH, Goetz SK, Zagoriy I, Hampoelz B, Zhang X, Erdmann PS, Baumbach J, Müller CW, Beck M, Plitzko JM, Mahamid J
eLife (2021) 10 [ Pubmed: 34951584 DOI: 10.7554/elife.70506 ]
Image sets:
Subtomogram average of 80S ribosomes from a cryo-FIB-lamella of Sum159 human cell line
Klumpe S, Fung HKH, Goetz SK, Zagoriy I, Hampoelz B, Zhang X, Erdmann PS, Baumbach J, Muller CW, Beck M, Plitzko JM, Mahamid J
eLife (2021) 10 [ DOI: doi:10.7554/eLife.70506 Pubmed: 34951584 ]
- 80s ribosome (Complex from Homo sapiens)
Cryo-electron tomograms from cryo-FIB-lamellae of Sum159 human cell line
Klumpe S, Fung HKH, Goetz SK, Zagoriy I, Hampoelz B, Zhang X, Erdmann PS, Baumbach J, Muller CW, Beck M, Plitzko JM, Mahamid J
eLife (2021) 10 [ DOI: doi:10.7554/eLife.70506 Pubmed: 34951584 ]
- Sum159 (Cell from Homo sapiens)
Klumpe S, Fung HKH, Goetz SK, Zagoriy I, Hampoelz B, Zhang X, Erdmann PS, Baumbach J, Muller CW, Beck M, Plitzko JM, Mahamid J
eLife (2021) 10 [ DOI: doi:10.7554/eLife.70506 Pubmed: 34951584 ]
- 80s ribosome (Complex from Homo sapiens)
Klumpe S, Fung HKH, Goetz SK, Zagoriy I, Hampoelz B, Zhang X, Erdmann PS, Baumbach J, Muller CW, Beck M, Plitzko JM, Mahamid J
eLife (2021) 10 [ DOI: doi:10.7554/eLife.70506 Pubmed: 34951584 ]
- Sum159 (Cell from Homo sapiens)
Cryo-electron tomogram of a cryo-FIB lamella of a HeLa cell
Klumpe S, Fung HKH, Goetz SK, Zagoriy I, Hampoelz B, Zhang X, Erdmann PS, Baumbach J, Muller CW, Beck M, Plitzko JM, Mahamid J
eLife (2021) 10 [ DOI: doi:10.7554/eLife.70506 Pubmed: 34951584 ]
- Hela (Cell from Homo sapiens)
Cryo-electron tomogram of a cryo-FIB lamella of Emiliania huxleyi cells
Klumpe S, Fung HKH, Goetz SK, Zagoriy I, Hampoelz B, Zhang X, Erdmann PS, Baumbach J, Muller CW, Beck M, Plitzko JM, Mahamid J
eLife (2021) 10 [ DOI: doi:10.7554/eLife.70506 Pubmed: 34951584 ]
- E. huxleyi (Cell from Emiliania huxleyi)
Cryo-electron tomogram of a 3D correlated lipid droplet in a cryo-FIB-milled HeLa cell
Klumpe S, Fung HKH, Goetz SK, Zagoriy I, Hampoelz B, Zhang X, Erdmann PS, Baumbach J, Muller CW, Beck M, Plitzko JM, Mahamid J
eLife (2021) 10 [ DOI: doi:10.7554/eLife.70506 Pubmed: 34951584 ]
- Hela (Cell from Homo sapiens)
Subtomogram average of D. melanogaster Ribosomes from tomograms collected on a cryo-lift-out lamella
Klumpe S, Fung HKH, Goetz SK, Zagoriy I, Hampoelz B, Zhang X, Erdmann PS, Baumbach J, Muller CW, Beck M, Plitzko JM, Mahamid J
eLife (2021) 10 [ DOI: doi:10.7554/eLife.70506 Pubmed: 34951584 ]