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Structure and assembly of the mitochondrial membrane remodelling GTPase Mgm1
Faelber K, Dietrich L, Noel JK, Wollweber F, Pfitzner AK, Muhleip A, Sanchez R, Kudryashev M, Chiaruttini N, Lilie H, Schlegel J, Rosenbaum E, Hessenberger M, Matthaeus C, Kunz S, von der Malsburg A, Noe F, Roux A, van der Laan M, Kuhlbrandt W, Daumke O
Nature (2019) 571 pp. 429-433 [ DOI: doi:10.1038/s41586-019-1372-3 Pubmed: 31292547 ]
Structure of s-Mgm1 decorating the outer surface of tubulated lipid membranes
Structure of s-Mgm1 decorating the outer surface of tubulated lipid membranes in the GTPgammaS bound state
Structure of s-Mgm1 decorating the inner surface of tubulated lipid membranes
Structure of s-Mgm1 decorating the inner surface of tubulated lipid membranes in the GTPgammaS bound state
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