Structure of EBOV GP lacking the mucin-like domain with 2.1.1D5 scFv and 6D6 scFv bound
Resolution: 2.53 Å
EM Method: Single-particle
Fitted PDBs: 8dpl
Q-score: 0.536
Yu X, Hastie KM, Davis CW, Avalos RD, Williams D, Parekh D, Hui S, Mann C, Hariharan C, Takada A, Ahmed R, Saphire EO
Cell Rep (2023) 42 pp. 113366-113366 [ DOI: doi:10.1016/j.celrep.2023.113366 Pubmed: 37938974 ]
- 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-beta-d-glucopyranose (221 Da, Ligand)
- 2.1.1d5 light chain variable domain (11 kDa, Protein from Homo sapiens)
- 6d6 single-chain variable fragment (25 kDa, Protein from Mus musculus)
- Glycoprotein gp1 (31 kDa, Protein from Ebola virus - Mayinga, Zaire, 1976)
- Structure of ebov gp in complex with 2.1.1d5 scfv and 6d6 scfv (Complex from Ebola virus - Mayinga, Zaire, 1976)
- Glycoprotein gp2 (15 kDa, Protein from Ebola virus - Mayinga, Zaire, 1976)
- 2.1.1d5 heavy chain variable domain (13 kDa, Protein from Homo sapiens)
Structure of EBOV GP lacking the mucin-like domain with 9.20.1A2 Fab and 6D6 scFv bound
Resolution: 3.0 Å
EM Method: Single-particle
Fitted PDBs: 8dpm
Q-score: 0.505
Yu X, Hastie KM, Davis CW, Avalos RD, Williams D, Parekh D, Hui S, Mann C, Hariharan C, Takada A, Ahmed R, Saphire EO
Cell Rep (2023) 42 pp. 113366-113366 [ DOI: doi:10.1016/j.celrep.2023.113366 Pubmed: 37938974 ]
- Antibody 9.20.1a2 fab (Complex from Homo sapiens)
- 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-beta-d-glucopyranose (221 Da, Ligand)
- Antibody 6d6 scfv (25 kDa, Protein from Mus musculus)
- Antibody 9.20.1a2 fab light chain (11 kDa, Protein from Homo sapiens)
- Glycoprotein gp1 (31 kDa, Protein from Ebola virus - Mayinga, Zaire, 1976)
- Complex of ebola virus glycoprotein trimer with 1a2 antibody fab and 6d6 antibody scfv (Complex from Ebola virus - Mayinga, Zaire, 1976)
- Glycoprotein gp2 (15 kDa, Protein from Ebola virus - Mayinga, Zaire, 1976)
- Antibody 9.20.1a2 fab heavy chain (13 kDa, Protein from Homo sapiens)
Structure of the Inmazeb cocktail and resistance to escape against Ebola virus
Resolution: 3.1 Å
EM Method: Single-particle
Fitted PDBs: 7tn9
Q-score: 0.475
Rayaprolu V, Fulton BO, Rafique A, Arturo E, Williams D, Hariharan C, Callaway H, Parvate A, Schendel SL, Parekh D, Hui S, Shaffer K, Pascal KE, Wloga E, Giordano S, Negron N, Ni M, Copin R, Atwal GS, Franklin M, Boytz RM, Donahue C, Davey R, Baum A, Kyratsous CA, Saphire EO
Cell Host Microbe (2023) 31 pp. 260- [ Pubmed: 36708708 DOI: doi:10.1016/j.chom.2023.01.002 ]
- Regn3471 heavy chain (23 kDa, Protein from Mus musculus)
- Envelope glycoprotein (35 kDa, Protein from Ebola virus - Mayinga, Zaire, 1976)
- 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-beta-d-glucopyranose (221 Da, Ligand)
- Regn3479 light chain (23 kDa, Protein from Mus musculus)
- Regn3470 heavy chain (23 kDa, Protein from Mus musculus)
- Regn3471 heavy chain, regn3479 light chain, regn3471 light chain, regn3479 heavy chain, regn3470 heavy chain, regn3470 light chain (Complex from Ebola virus - Mayinga, Zaire, 1976)
- Regn3471 light chain (24 kDa, Protein from Mus musculus)
- Regn3470 light chain (23 kDa, Protein from Mus musculus)
- Envelope glycoprotein, shed gp (Complex from Mus musculus)
- Inmazeb therapeutic cocktail (Complex)
- Regn3479 heavy chain (22 kDa, Protein from Mus musculus)
- Gp2 (15 kDa, Protein from Ebola virus - Mayinga, Zaire, 1976)
Structure of EBOV GP lacking the mucin-like domain with 1C11 scFv and 1C3 Fab bound
Resolution: 3.59 Å
EM Method: Single-particle
Fitted PDBs: 7swd
Q-score: 0.449
Milligan JC, Davis CW, Yu X, Ilinykh PA, Huang K, Halfmann PJ, Cross RW, Borisevich V, Agans KN, Geisbert JB, Chennareddy C, Goff AJ, Piper AE, Hui S, Shaffer KCL, Buck T, Heinrich ML, Branco LM, Crozier I, Holbrook MR, Kuhn JH, Kawaoka Y, Glass PJ, Bukreyev A, Geisbert TW, Worwa G, Ahmed R, Saphire EO
Cell (2022) 185 pp. 995-1007.e18 [ Pubmed: 35303429 DOI: doi:10.1016/j.cell.2022.02.023 ]
- Complex of ebov gp lacking the mucin-like-domain with 1c11 scfv and 1c3 fab (300 kDa, Complex from Homo sapiens)
- 1c3 light chain (12 kDa, Protein from Homo sapiens)
- 1c3 heavy chain (13 kDa, Protein from Homo sapiens)
- 1c11 scfv (26 kDa, Protein from Homo sapiens)
- Virion spike glycoprotein gp2 (10 kDa, Protein from Zaire ebolavirus)
- Virion spike glycoprotein gp1 (31 kDa, Protein from Ebola virus - Gabon (1994-1997))
EBOV GPdMuc (Makona) in complex with rEBOV-520 and rEBOV-548 Fabs
Resolution: 4.12 Å
EM Method: Single-particle
Fitted PDBs: 6pci
Q-score: 0.38
Gilchuk P, Murin CD, Milligan JC, Cross RW, Mire CE, Ilinykh PA, Huang K, Kuzmina N, Altman PX, Hui S, Gunn BM, Bryan AL, Davidson E, Doranz BJ, Turner HL, Alkutkar T, Flinko R, Orlandi C, Carnahan R, Nargi R, Bombardi RG, Vodzak ME, Li S, Okoli A, Ibeawuchi M, Ohiaeri B, Lewis GK, Alter G, Bukreyev A, Saphire EO, Geisbert TW, Ward AB, Crowe Jr JE
Immunity (2020) 52 pp. 388-403.e12 [ DOI: doi:10.1016/j.immuni.2020.01.001 Pubmed: 32023489 ]
- 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-beta-d-glucopyranose (221 Da, Ligand)
- Ebola virus (makona) gp (Complex)
- Rebov-520 fab (Complex)
- Rebov-520 fab heavy chain (24 kDa, Protein from Homo sapiens)
- Virion spike glycoprotein,virion spike glycoprotein,ebola virus (makona) gp2 (22 kDa, Protein from Ebola virus)
- Rebov-548 fab heavy chain (25 kDa, Protein from Homo sapiens)
- Virion spike glycoprotein (31 kDa, Protein from Ebola virus)
- Rebov-520 fab light chain (23 kDa, Protein from Homo sapiens)
- Rebov-548 fab light chain (23 kDa, Protein from Homo sapiens)
- Ebov gpdmuc (makona) in complex with rebov-520 and rebov-548 fabs (450 kDa, Complex from Homo sapiens)
- Rebov-548 fab (Complex)
EBOV GPdMuc Makona bound to rEBOV-548 Fab
Resolution: 3.96 Å
EM Method: Single-particle
Fitted PDBs: 6uye
Q-score: 0.413
Gilchuk P, Murin CD, Milligan JC, Cross RW, Mire CE, Ilinykh PA, Huang K, Kuzmina N, Altman PX, Hui S, Gunn BM, Bryan AL, Davidson E, Doranz BJ, Turner HL, Alkutkar T, Flinko R, Orlandi C, Carnahan R, Nargi R, Bombardi RG, Vodzak ME, Li S, Okoli A, Ibeawuchi M, Ohiaeri B, Lewis GK, Alter G, Bukreyev A, Saphire EO, Geisbert TW, Ward AB, Crowe Jr JE
Immunity (2020) 52 pp. 388-403.e12 [ DOI: doi:10.1016/j.immuni.2020.01.001 Pubmed: 32023489 ]
- Ebola virus, mucin deleted, strain makona (Complex from Ebola virus)
- 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-beta-d-glucopyranose (221 Da, Ligand)
- Sgp (29 kDa, Protein from Ebola virus)
- Antibody rebov-548 fab, light chain (11 kDa, Protein from Homo sapiens)
- Virion spike glycoprotein (10 kDa, Protein from Ebola virus)
- Rebov-548 fab (Complex from Homo sapiens)
- Antibody rebov-548 fab, heavy chain (14 kDa, Protein from Homo sapiens)
- Complex of ebola virus, mucin deleted, strain makona in complex with rebov-548 fab (Complex)