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primary_citation_author:"Tao Y" AND author_name:"Sun" AND author_name:"Tang Y"
Release date: Nov. 30, 2022
Resolution: 3.0 Å
EM Method: Helical reconstruction
Fitted PDBs: 7xo0
Q-score: 0.607
Resolution: 3.0 Å
EM Method: Helical reconstruction
Fitted PDBs: 7xo0
Q-score: 0.607
Release date: Nov. 30, 2022
Resolution: 3.0 Å
EM Method: Helical reconstruction
Fitted PDBs: 7xo1
Q-score: 0.593
Resolution: 3.0 Å
EM Method: Helical reconstruction
Fitted PDBs: 7xo1
Q-score: 0.593
Release date: Nov. 30, 2022
Resolution: 2.6 Å
EM Method: Helical reconstruction
Fitted PDBs: 7xo3
Q-score: 0.611
Resolution: 2.6 Å
EM Method: Helical reconstruction
Fitted PDBs: 7xo3
Q-score: 0.611
Release date: Aug. 17, 2022
Resolution: 2.8 Å
EM Method: Helical reconstruction
Fitted PDBs: 7v47
Q-score: 0.564
Resolution: 2.8 Å
EM Method: Helical reconstruction
Fitted PDBs: 7v47
Q-score: 0.564
Release date: Aug. 17, 2022
Resolution: 3.0 Å
EM Method: Helical reconstruction
Fitted PDBs: 7v48
Q-score: 0.529
Resolution: 3.0 Å
EM Method: Helical reconstruction
Fitted PDBs: 7v48
Q-score: 0.529
Release date: Aug. 17, 2022
Resolution: 3.4 Å
EM Method: Helical reconstruction
Fitted PDBs: 7v49
Q-score: 0.523
Resolution: 3.4 Å
EM Method: Helical reconstruction
Fitted PDBs: 7v49
Q-score: 0.523