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Roh SH, Kasembeli M, Montoya JG, Trnka M, Lau WC, Burlingame A, Chiu W, Tweardy DJ
To Be Published
- Tric (1 MDa, Sample)
- Tcp-1 ring complex (1 MDa, Protein from Homo sapiens)
Roh SH, Kasembeli M, Montoya JG, Trnka M, Lau WC, Burlingame A, Chiu W, Tweardy DJ
To Be Published
- Aml1-175 (Protein from Homo sapiens)
- Tcp-1 ring complex (1 MDa, Protein from Homo sapiens)
- Aml1-175 + tric (1 MDa, Sample)
Roh SH, Kasembeli M, Montoya JG, Trnka M, Lau WC, Burlingame A, Chiu W, Tweardy DJ
To Be Published
- Human apo-tric (sub-group i) (1 MDa, Sample)
- Tcp-1 ring complex (1 MDa, Protein from Homo sapiens)
Roh SH, Kasembeli M, Montoya JG, Trnka M, Lau WC, Burlingame A, Chiu W, Tweardy DJ
To Be Published
- Human apo-tric (sub-class ii) (1 MDa, Sample)
- Tcp-1 ring complex (1 MDa, Protein from Homo sapiens)
AML1-175 + TRiC + Ni-nano-gold
Roh SH, Kasembeli M, Montoya JG, Trnka M, Lau WC, Burlingame A, Chiu W, Tweardy DJ
To Be Published
- Aml1-175 (Protein from Homo sapiens)
- Tcp-1 ring complex (1 MDa, Protein from Homo sapiens)
- Aml1-175 + tric + ni-nano-gold (1 MDa, Sample)