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Cryo-EM structure of the human INO80 complex bound to a WT nucleosome
Release date: April 19, 2023
Resolution: 3.2 Å
EM Method: Single-particle
Fitted PDBs: 7zi4
Q-score: 0.462
Resolution: 3.2 Å
EM Method: Single-particle
Fitted PDBs: 7zi4
Q-score: 0.462
Vance NR, Ayala R, Willhoft O, Tvardovskiy A, McCormack EA, Bartke T, Zhang X, Wigley DB
To Be Published
- Histone h2b type 1-j (13 kDa, Protein from Homo sapiens)
- Dna (158-mer) (48 kDa, DNA from synthetic construct)
- Histone h4 (11 kDa, Protein from Homo sapiens)
- Actin-related protein 5 (68 kDa, Protein from Homo sapiens)
- Histone h2a type 1-b/e (14 kDa, Protein from Homo sapiens)
- Adenosine-5'-diphosphate (427 Da, Ligand)
- Beryllium trifluoride ion (66 Da, Ligand)
- Ino80 complex subunit c (20 kDa, Protein from Homo sapiens)
- Ruvb-like 2 (51 kDa, Protein from Homo sapiens)
- Ino80 complex subunit b (38 kDa, Protein from Homo sapiens)
- Histone h3.1 (15 kDa, Protein from Homo sapiens)
- Zinc ion (65 Da, Ligand)
- Dna (158-mer) (48 kDa, DNA from synthetic construct)
- Ruvb-like 1 (50 kDa, Protein from Homo sapiens)
- Chromatin-remodeling atpase ino80 (177 kDa, Protein from Homo sapiens)
- Complex of human ino80core bound to a wt nucleosome (1 MDa, Complex from Homo sapiens)