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sample_name:"COVID-19 RdRp complex bound to favipiravir" AND author_name:"Wang X"
Structure of COVID-19 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase bound to favipiravir
Release date: Nov. 17, 2021
Resolution: 2.7 Å
EM Method: Single-particle
Fitted PDBs: 7dfg
Q-score: 0.598
Resolution: 2.7 Å
EM Method: Single-particle
Fitted PDBs: 7dfg
Q-score: 0.598
Yin W, Luan X, Li Z, Xie Y, Zhou Z, Liu J, Gao M, Wang X, Zhou F, Wang Q, Wang Q, Shen D, Zhang Y, Tian G, Aisa H, Wei D, Jiang Y, Xiao G, Jiang H, Zhang L, Yu X, Shen J, Zhang S, Xu H
To Be Published
- Zinc ion (65 Da, Ligand)
- Pyrophosphate 2- (175 Da, Ligand)
- Covid-19 rdrp complex bound to favipiravir (Complex from Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2)
- Rna (5'-r(p*cp*cp*cp*up*ap*up*ap*ap*cp*up*up*ap*ap*up*cp*u)-3') (4 kDa, RNA from Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2)
- Magnesium ion (24 Da, Ligand)
- Rna-directed rna polymerase (107 kDa, Protein from Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2)
- Rna (5'-r(p*ap*gp*ap*up*up*ap*ap*gp*up*up*ap*u)-3') (3 kDa, RNA from Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2)
- Non-structural protein 7 (9 kDa, Protein from Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2)
- 6-fluoro-3-oxo-4-(5-o-phosphono-beta-d-ribofuranosyl)-3,4-dihydropyrazine-2-carboxamide (369 Da, Ligand)
- Non-structural protein 8 (22 kDa, Protein from Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2)
- Water (18 Da, Ligand)
Structure of COVID-19 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase bound to ribavirin
Release date: Nov. 17, 2021
Resolution: 2.97 Å
EM Method: Single-particle
Fitted PDBs: 7dfh
Q-score: 0.535
Resolution: 2.97 Å
EM Method: Single-particle
Fitted PDBs: 7dfh
Q-score: 0.535
Yin W, Luan X, Li Z, Xie Y, Zhou Z, Liu J, Gao M, Wang X, Zhou F, Wang Q, Wang Q, Shen D, Zhang Y, Tian G, Aisa H, Wei D, Jiang Y, Xiao G, Jiang H, Zhang L, Yu X, Shen J, Zhang S, Xu H
To Be Published
- Zinc ion (65 Da, Ligand)
- Pyrophosphate 2- (175 Da, Ligand)
- Rna-directed rna polymeras (107 kDa, Protein from Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2)
- Rna (5'-r(p*gp*cp*up*ap*up*gp*up*g*(lig))-3') (2 kDa, RNA from Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2)
- Rna (5'-r(p*cp*cp*cp*cp*cp*ap*cp*ap*up*ap*gp*c)-3') (3 kDa, RNA from Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2)
- Ribavirin monophosphate (324 Da, Ligand)
- Covid-19 rdrp complex bound to favipiravir (Complex from Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2)
- Magnesium ion (24 Da, Ligand)
- Non-structural protein 7 (9 kDa, Protein from Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2)
- Non-structural protein 8 (22 kDa, Protein from Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2)
- Water (18 Da, Ligand)