Hantaan virus-like particle glycoprotein spike in complex with Fab fragment HTN-Gn1.
Resolution: 19.0 Å
EM Method: Subtomogram averaging
Fitted PDBs: 7nrh
Q-score: 0.052
Rissanen I, Krumm SA, Stass R, Whitaker A, Voss JE, Bruce EA, Rothenberger S, Kunz S, Burton DR, Huiskonen JT, Botten JW, Bowden TA, Doores KJ
Mbio (2021) 12 pp. e0253120-e0253120 [ DOI: doi:10.1128/mBio.02531-20 Pubmed: 34225492 ]
- Hantaan orthohantavirus (Virus from Hantaan orthohantavirus)
- Envelope polyprotein (40 kDa, Protein from Hantaan orthohantavirus)
- Fab fragment htn-gn1 light chain (22 kDa, Protein from Oryctolagus cuniculus)
- Fab fragment htn-gn1 heavy chain (24 kDa, Protein from Oryctolagus cuniculus)
Puumala virus-like particle glycoprotein spike in complex with fab fragment P-4G2.
Resolution: 13.4 Å
EM Method: Subtomogram averaging
Fitted PDBs: 7b09
Q-score: 0.077
Rissanen I, Stass R, Krumm SA, Seow J, Hulswit RJ, Paesen GC, Hepojoki J, Vapalahti O, Lundkvist A, Reynard O, Volchkov V, Doores KJ, Huiskonen JT, Bowden TA
eLife (2020) 9 [ DOI: doi:10.7554/eLife.58242 Pubmed: 33349334 ]
- Light chain of fab fragment p-4g2 (23 kDa, Protein from Myodes glareolus)
- Envelope polyprotein (40 kDa, Protein from Puumala orthohantavirus)
- Envelope polyprotein (49 kDa, Protein from Puumala orthohantavirus)
- Puumala virus - sotkamo (Virus from Puumala virus - Sotkamo)
- Heavy chain of fab fragment p-4g2 (25 kDa, Protein from Myodes glareolus)
- 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-beta-d-glucopyranose (221 Da, Ligand)
Puumala virus-like particle glycoprotein lattice.
Resolution: 13.9 Å
EM Method: Subtomogram averaging
Fitted PDBs: 7b0a
Q-score: 0.066
Rissanen I, Stass R, Krumm SA, Seow J, Hulswit RJ, Paesen GC, Hepojoki J, Vapalahti O, Lundkvist A, Reynard O, Volchkov V, Doores KJ, Huiskonen JT, Bowden TA
eLife (2020) 9 [ Pubmed: 33349334 DOI: doi:10.7554/eLife.58242 ]
- Envelope polyprotein (49 kDa, Protein from Puumala orthohantavirus)
- Puumala orthohantavirus (Virus from Puumala orthohantavirus)
- Envelope polyprotein (40 kDa, Protein from Puumala orthohantavirus)
- 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-beta-d-glucopyranose (221 Da, Ligand)
Reconstruction of Tula virus surface glycoprotein lattice
Resolution: 11.4 Å
EM Method: Subtomogram averaging
Fitted PDBs: 6zjm
Q-score: 0.072
Serris A, Stass R, Bignon EA, Muena NA, Manuguerra JC, Jangra RK, Li S, Chandran K, Tischler ND, Huiskonen JT, Rey FA, Guardado-Calvo P
Cell (2020) 183 pp. 442- [ Pubmed: 32937107 DOI: doi:10.1016/j.cell.2020.08.023 ]
- Tula orthohantavirus (Virus from Tula orthohantavirus)
- Envelope polyprotein,envelope polyprotein,envelope polyprotein,envelope polyprotein,envelope polyprotein,envelope polyprotein,envelope polyprotein,envelope polyprotein,envelope polyprotein (112 kDa, Protein from Tula orthohantavirus)
- 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-beta-d-glucopyranose (221 Da, Ligand)