Edit here your query command:
* AND author_name:"Sewall LM" AND author_orcid:"0000-0002-9695-8138" AND author_name:"Ward AB"
Filter By
Current Database
Current status
Sample type
EM Method
Model molecular weight
Author by name
- Ab [112]
- G [112]
- Lm [112]
- Ozorowski [112]
- S [112]
- Sewall [112]
- Ward [112]
- M [98]
- D [90]
- Ca [89]
- Cottrell [89]
- R [87]
- J [86]
- Montefiori [86]
- Burton [79]
- Dr [79]
- Jp [73]
- Carnathan [71]
- Dg [71]
- Silvestri [71]
- Sok [66]
- C [65]
- A [62]
- Jl [62]
- Labranche [59]
- Moore [59]
- Rw [59]
- Sanders [59]
- Van [59]
- B [57]
- Nogal [57]
- Torres [54]
- Eg [52]
- P [52]
- Rakasz [52]
- Schooten [51]
- V [50]
- Gils [48]
- Mj [48]
- Bowman [44]
- F [42]
- Breemen [40]
- Christley [40]
- Copps [40]
- Der [40]
- Dn [40]
- Gross [40]
- Ia [40]
- Morpurgo [40]
- Oyen [40]
- Patel [40]
- Sather [40]
- Shin [40]
- Vigdorovich [40]
- Wilson [40]
- Woude [40]
- Yuan [40]
- Lee [36]
- Wh [36]
- Allen [33]
- Crispin [33]
- Dc [33]
- Jd [33]
- Y [33]
- H [32]
- Cirelli [31]
- Crotty [31]
- Km [31]
- N [30]
- Dj [27]
- Irvine [27]
- Pp [27]
- Silva [27]
- Nedellec [26]
- O [26]
- E [25]
- L [25]
- Shen [25]
- X [25]
- Gao [24]
- Richey [24]
- St [24]
- I [22]
- K [21]
- Cc [19]
- De [19]
- Klasse [19]
- Pj [19]
- Yasmeen [19]
- Schief [18]
- Wr [18]
- Antanasijevic [17]
- Enemuo [17]
- Zhao [16]
- Adachi [14]
- Allers [14]
- Aye [14]
- Bf [14]
- Dufour [14]
- Fahlberg [14]
Author by ORCID
- Ozorowski G [112]
- Ward AB [103]
- Cottrell CA [81]
- Burton DR [79]
- Sewall LM [69]
- Silvestri G [52]
- Nogal B [52]
- Sanders RW [51]
- Van Schooten J [51]
- Torres JL [48]
- Montefiori D [48]
- Van Gils Mj [48]
- Sok D [45]
- Bowman CA [44]
- Gross J [40]
- Morpurgo R [40]
- Yuan M [40]
- Shin M [40]
- Labranche C [40]
- Sather DN [40]
- Vigdorovich V [40]
- Copps J [40]
- Lee WH [36]
- Crispin M [33]
- Allen JD [33]
- Crotty S [31]
- Irvine DJ [27]
- Gao H [24]
- Labranche CC [19]
- Moore JP [19]
- Schief WR [18]
- Antanasijevic A [17]
- Zhao F [16]
- Georgeson E [14]
- Phung I [14]
- Fahlberg M [14]
- Hangartner L [14]
- Aye PP [14]
- Kalyuzhniy O [14]
- Veazey RS [14]
- Sutton HJ [14]
- Torre JL [14]
- Pedreno-lopez N [12]
- Song G [12]
- Rakasz EG [12]
- Andrabi R [12]
- Yong P [12]
- Ricciardi M [12]
- Gnanakaran S [12]
- Barman S [12]
- Limbo O [12]
- Voigt TB [12]
- Callaghan S [12]
- Milligan E [11]
- De Paris K [11]
- Cupo A [11]
- Ferrari G [11]
- Klasse PJ [11]
- Vekatayogi S [11]
- Berendam S [11]
- Wiehe K [11]
- Eudailey J [11]
- Yasmeen A [11]
- Williams WB [11]
- Rogers K [11]
- Chen Y [11]
- Cronin K [11]
- Stanfield-oakley S [11]
- Cross KA [11]
- Van Rompay Kka [11]
- Villinger F [11]
- Shen X [11]
- Shirreff L [11]
- Hudgens MG [11]
- Dennis M [11]
- Montefiori DC [11]
- Alam S [11]
- Isaac J [11]
- Permar SR [11]
- Zhang S [11]
- Nelson AN [11]
- Memon S [11]
- Davis D [11]
- Weinbaum C [11]
- Richey ST [10]
- Holden LG [10]
- Deshpande S [10]
- Chandrawacar AS [10]
- Bhattacharya J [9]
- Ward AB [9]
- Hingankar N [9]
- Torrents De La Pena A [8]
- Bhiman J [8]
- Pauthner M [8]
- Pratap PP [8]
- Schorcht A [8]
- Ngo JT [8]
- Cirelli KM [8]
- Silva M [8]
- Greene KM [8]
Electron Source
Film or detector model
External links
Released entries by year
Line chart with 2 lines.
From the search results
The chart has 1 X axis displaying values. Range: since 2006
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Number of released entries. Range: 0 to 60.
End of interactive chart.
Distribution of resolution values in EMDB
Bar chart with 37 bars.
From the search results
The chart has 1 X axis displaying Resolution (Å).
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Number of released entries. Range: 0 to 25.
End of interactive chart.
Distribution of EM Methods in EMDB
Pie chart with 1 slice.
From the search results
End of interactive chart.
Distribution of molecular weight in EMDB
Pie chart with 9 slices.
From the search results
End of interactive chart.
Distribution of Sample type in EMDB
Pie chart with 4 slices.
From the search results
End of interactive chart.
Taxonomic distribution
Move your mouse over the main tree to show the lineage of a particular node.
You can move this pane by dragging it.
0 sequences
Filter By
Current Database
Current status
Sample type
EM Method
Model molecular weight
Author by name
- Ab [112]
- G [112]
- Lm [112]
- Ozorowski [112]
- S [112]
- Sewall [112]
- Ward [112]
- M [98]
- D [90]
- Ca [89]
- Cottrell [89]
- R [87]
- J [86]
- Montefiori [86]
- Burton [79]
- Dr [79]
- Jp [73]
- Carnathan [71]
- Dg [71]
- Silvestri [71]
- Sok [66]
- C [65]
- A [62]
- Jl [62]
- Labranche [59]
- Moore [59]
- Rw [59]
- Sanders [59]
- Van [59]
- B [57]
- Nogal [57]
- Torres [54]
- Eg [52]
- P [52]
- Rakasz [52]
- Schooten [51]
- V [50]
- Gils [48]
- Mj [48]
- Bowman [44]
- F [42]
- Breemen [40]
- Christley [40]
- Copps [40]
- Der [40]
- Dn [40]
- Gross [40]
- Ia [40]
- Morpurgo [40]
- Oyen [40]
- Patel [40]
- Sather [40]
- Shin [40]
- Vigdorovich [40]
- Wilson [40]
- Woude [40]
- Yuan [40]
- Lee [36]
- Wh [36]
- Allen [33]
- Crispin [33]
- Dc [33]
- Jd [33]
- Y [33]
- H [32]
- Cirelli [31]
- Crotty [31]
- Km [31]
- N [30]
- Dj [27]
- Irvine [27]
- Pp [27]
- Silva [27]
- Nedellec [26]
- O [26]
- E [25]
- L [25]
- Shen [25]
- X [25]
- Gao [24]
- Richey [24]
- St [24]
- I [22]
- K [21]
- Cc [19]
- De [19]
- Klasse [19]
- Pj [19]
- Yasmeen [19]
- Schief [18]
- Wr [18]
- Antanasijevic [17]
- Enemuo [17]
- Zhao [16]
- Adachi [14]
- Allers [14]
- Aye [14]
- Bf [14]
- Dufour [14]
- Fahlberg [14]
Author by ORCID
- Ozorowski G [112]
- Ward AB [103]
- Cottrell CA [81]
- Burton DR [79]
- Sewall LM [69]
- Silvestri G [52]
- Nogal B [52]
- Sanders RW [51]
- Van Schooten J [51]
- Torres JL [48]
- Montefiori D [48]
- Van Gils Mj [48]
- Sok D [45]
- Bowman CA [44]
- Gross J [40]
- Morpurgo R [40]
- Yuan M [40]
- Shin M [40]
- Labranche C [40]
- Sather DN [40]
- Vigdorovich V [40]
- Copps J [40]
- Lee WH [36]
- Crispin M [33]
- Allen JD [33]
- Crotty S [31]
- Irvine DJ [27]
- Gao H [24]
- Labranche CC [19]
- Moore JP [19]
- Schief WR [18]
- Antanasijevic A [17]
- Zhao F [16]
- Georgeson E [14]
- Phung I [14]
- Fahlberg M [14]
- Hangartner L [14]
- Aye PP [14]
- Kalyuzhniy O [14]
- Veazey RS [14]
- Sutton HJ [14]
- Torre JL [14]
- Pedreno-lopez N [12]
- Song G [12]
- Rakasz EG [12]
- Andrabi R [12]
- Yong P [12]
- Ricciardi M [12]
- Gnanakaran S [12]
- Barman S [12]
- Limbo O [12]
- Voigt TB [12]
- Callaghan S [12]
- Milligan E [11]
- De Paris K [11]
- Cupo A [11]
- Ferrari G [11]
- Klasse PJ [11]
- Vekatayogi S [11]
- Berendam S [11]
- Wiehe K [11]
- Eudailey J [11]
- Yasmeen A [11]
- Williams WB [11]
- Rogers K [11]
- Chen Y [11]
- Cronin K [11]
- Stanfield-oakley S [11]
- Cross KA [11]
- Van Rompay Kka [11]
- Villinger F [11]
- Shen X [11]
- Shirreff L [11]
- Hudgens MG [11]
- Dennis M [11]
- Montefiori DC [11]
- Alam S [11]
- Isaac J [11]
- Permar SR [11]
- Zhang S [11]
- Nelson AN [11]
- Memon S [11]
- Davis D [11]
- Weinbaum C [11]
- Richey ST [10]
- Holden LG [10]
- Deshpande S [10]
- Chandrawacar AS [10]
- Bhattacharya J [9]
- Ward AB [9]
- Hingankar N [9]
- Torrents De La Pena A [8]
- Bhiman J [8]
- Pauthner M [8]
- Pratap PP [8]
- Schorcht A [8]
- Ngo JT [8]
- Cirelli KM [8]
- Silva M [8]
- Greene KM [8]
Electron Source
Film or detector model
External links