Edit here your query command:
* AND author_orcid:"0000-0002-1190-0210"
Filter By
Current Database
Current status
Sample type
- Pseudomonas phage jbd30 [24]
- Staphylococcus phage p68 [16]
- Staphylococcus phage 812 [15]
- Escherichia virus su10 [13]
- Enterovirus b [10]
- Rhodobacter capsulatus [9]
- Rhinovirus b [8]
- Deformed wing virus [8]
- Rhodobacter capsulatus [7]
- Emiliania huxleyi virus 201 [6]
- Sacbrood virus [6]
- Enterovirus d [5]
- Orthoflavivirus encephalitidis [4]
- Saccharomyces cerevisiae virus lbcla [4]
- Tick-borne encephalitis virus [3]
- Enterovirus a [3]
- Rhodobacter capsulatus [2]
- Escherichia coli [2]
- Homo sapiens [2]
- Mus musculus [1]
- Tick-borne encephalitis virus [1]
- Saccharomyces cerevisiae [1]
- Enterovirus b [1]
- Slow bee paralysis virus [1]
- Saccharomyces cerevisiae [1]
Model molecular weight
Author by name
- Plevka P [148]
- Fuzik T [146]
- Novacek J [63]
- Hrebik D [53]
- Pantucek R [36]
- Bardy P [33]
- Prochazkova M [32]
- Moravcova J [31]
- Skubnik K [31]
- Benesik M [28]
- Siborova M [28]
- Hlavenkova Z [24]
- Pospisil J [24]
- Valentova L [24]
- Smerdova L [23]
- Mukhamedova L [22]
- Buchta D [21]
- Sukenik L [20]
- Vacha R [20]
- Thomas Beatty J [17]
- Stverakova D [16]
- Cienikova Z [15]
- Popelarova B [15]
- Pridal A [15]
- Füzik T [13]
- Nilsson AS [13]
- Grybchuk D [11]
- Ishemgulova A [11]
- Levdansky Y [11]
- Trebichalská Z [11]
- Buttner CR [9]
- Adamopoulos A [8]
- Gondova M [8]
- Ruzek D [8]
- Sedo O [8]
- Zdrahal Z [8]
- Chaillet M [7]
- Homola M [7]
- Beatty JT [6]
- Chaillet ML [6]
- Forster F [6]
- Holbova R [6]
- Krepelka P [6]
- Schroeder DC [6]
- Wilson WH [6]
- Zak J [6]
- Anastasina M [5]
- Butcher SJ [5]
- Domanska A [5]
- Formanova PP [5]
- Kalynych S [5]
- Konovalovas A [5]
- Pulkkinen LIA [5]
- Serva S [5]
- Strakova P [5]
- Ubiparip Z [5]
- Yurchenko V [5]
- Formanova P [3]
- Niedrig M [3]
- Spurny R [3]
- Yoshii K [3]
- Andersen JT [1]
- Büttner CR [1]
- Dominik H [1]
- Förster F [1]
- Karel S [1]
- Nováček J [1]
- Procházková M [1]
Author by ORCID
- Fuzik T [146]
- Plevka P [146]
- Hrebik D [53]
- Novacek J [50]
- Pantucek R [36]
- Bardy P [33]
- Prochazkova M [32]
- Benesik M [28]
- Siborova M [28]
- Skubnik K [26]
- Pospisil J [24]
- Valentova L [24]
- Hlavenkova Z [24]
- Smerdova L [23]
- Buchta D [21]
- Vacha R [20]
- Thomas Beatty J [17]
- Stverakova D [16]
- Pridal A [15]
- Popelarova B [15]
- Cienikova Z [15]
- Nilsson AS [13]
- Sukenik L [10]
- Grybchuk D [10]
- Buttner CR [9]
- Adamopoulos A [8]
- Sedo O [8]
- Zdrahal Z [8]
- Ruzek D [8]
- Schroeder DC [6]
- Chaillet ML [6]
- Krepelka P [6]
- Wilson WH [6]
- Homola M [6]
- Forster F [6]
- Zak J [6]
- Holbova R [6]
- Butcher SJ [5]
- Ubiparip Z [5]
- Strakova P [5]
- Domanska A [5]
- Pulkkinen LIA [5]
- Anastasina M [5]
- Moravcova J [5]
- Formanova PP [5]
- Serva S [4]
- Beatty JT [1]
- Mukhamedova L [1]
- Levdansky Y [1]
- Andersen JT [1]
Electron Source
Film or detector model
EMPIAR Experiment type
EMPIAR Image category
Released entries by year
Line chart with 2 lines.
From the search results
The chart has 1 X axis displaying values. Range: since 2006
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Number of released entries. Range: 0 to 50.
End of interactive chart.
Distribution of resolution values in EMDB
Bar chart with 28 bars.
From the search results
The chart has 1 X axis displaying Resolution (Å).
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Number of released entries. Range: 0 to 60.
End of interactive chart.
Distribution of EM Methods in EMDB
Pie chart with 4 slices.
From the search results
End of interactive chart.
Distribution of molecular weight in EMDB
Pie chart with 9 slices.
From the search results
End of interactive chart.
Distribution of Sample type in EMDB
Pie chart with 6 slices.
From the search results
End of interactive chart.
Taxonomic distribution
Move your mouse over the main tree to show the lineage of a particular node.
You can move this pane by dragging it.
0 sequences
Distribution of raw data size in EMPIAR
Pie chart with 7 slices.
From the search results
End of interactive chart.
Distribution of experiment type in EMPIAR
Pie chart with 1 slice.
From the search results
End of interactive chart.
Most common image categories in EMPIAR
Bar chart with 3 bars.
From the search results
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Number of released entries. Range: 0 to 15.
End of interactive chart.
Filter By
Current Database
Current status
Sample type
- Pseudomonas phage jbd30 [24]
- Staphylococcus phage p68 [16]
- Staphylococcus phage 812 [15]
- Escherichia virus su10 [13]
- Enterovirus b [10]
- Rhodobacter capsulatus [9]
- Rhinovirus b [8]
- Deformed wing virus [8]
- Rhodobacter capsulatus [7]
- Emiliania huxleyi virus 201 [6]
- Sacbrood virus [6]
- Enterovirus d [5]
- Orthoflavivirus encephalitidis [4]
- Saccharomyces cerevisiae virus lbcla [4]
- Tick-borne encephalitis virus [3]
- Enterovirus a [3]
- Rhodobacter capsulatus [2]
- Escherichia coli [2]
- Homo sapiens [2]
- Mus musculus [1]
- Tick-borne encephalitis virus [1]
- Saccharomyces cerevisiae [1]
- Enterovirus b [1]
- Slow bee paralysis virus [1]
- Saccharomyces cerevisiae [1]
Model molecular weight
Author by name
- Plevka P [148]
- Fuzik T [146]
- Novacek J [63]
- Hrebik D [53]
- Pantucek R [36]
- Bardy P [33]
- Prochazkova M [32]
- Moravcova J [31]
- Skubnik K [31]
- Benesik M [28]
- Siborova M [28]
- Hlavenkova Z [24]
- Pospisil J [24]
- Valentova L [24]
- Smerdova L [23]
- Mukhamedova L [22]
- Buchta D [21]
- Sukenik L [20]
- Vacha R [20]
- Thomas Beatty J [17]
- Stverakova D [16]
- Cienikova Z [15]
- Popelarova B [15]
- Pridal A [15]
- Füzik T [13]
- Nilsson AS [13]
- Grybchuk D [11]
- Ishemgulova A [11]
- Levdansky Y [11]
- Trebichalská Z [11]
- Buttner CR [9]
- Adamopoulos A [8]
- Gondova M [8]
- Ruzek D [8]
- Sedo O [8]
- Zdrahal Z [8]
- Chaillet M [7]
- Homola M [7]
- Beatty JT [6]
- Chaillet ML [6]
- Forster F [6]
- Holbova R [6]
- Krepelka P [6]
- Schroeder DC [6]
- Wilson WH [6]
- Zak J [6]
- Anastasina M [5]
- Butcher SJ [5]
- Domanska A [5]
- Formanova PP [5]
- Kalynych S [5]
- Konovalovas A [5]
- Pulkkinen LIA [5]
- Serva S [5]
- Strakova P [5]
- Ubiparip Z [5]
- Yurchenko V [5]
- Formanova P [3]
- Niedrig M [3]
- Spurny R [3]
- Yoshii K [3]
- Andersen JT [1]
- Büttner CR [1]
- Dominik H [1]
- Förster F [1]
- Karel S [1]
- Nováček J [1]
- Procházková M [1]
Author by ORCID
- Fuzik T [146]
- Plevka P [146]
- Hrebik D [53]
- Novacek J [50]
- Pantucek R [36]
- Bardy P [33]
- Prochazkova M [32]
- Benesik M [28]
- Siborova M [28]
- Skubnik K [26]
- Pospisil J [24]
- Valentova L [24]
- Hlavenkova Z [24]
- Smerdova L [23]
- Buchta D [21]
- Vacha R [20]
- Thomas Beatty J [17]
- Stverakova D [16]
- Pridal A [15]
- Popelarova B [15]
- Cienikova Z [15]
- Nilsson AS [13]
- Sukenik L [10]
- Grybchuk D [10]
- Buttner CR [9]
- Adamopoulos A [8]
- Sedo O [8]
- Zdrahal Z [8]
- Ruzek D [8]
- Schroeder DC [6]
- Chaillet ML [6]
- Krepelka P [6]
- Wilson WH [6]
- Homola M [6]
- Forster F [6]
- Zak J [6]
- Holbova R [6]
- Butcher SJ [5]
- Ubiparip Z [5]
- Strakova P [5]
- Domanska A [5]
- Pulkkinen LIA [5]
- Anastasina M [5]
- Moravcova J [5]
- Formanova PP [5]
- Serva S [4]
- Beatty JT [1]
- Mukhamedova L [1]
- Levdansky Y [1]
- Andersen JT [1]
Electron Source
Film or detector model
EMPIAR Experiment type
EMPIAR Image category