Edit here your query command:
* AND microscope_name:"FEI TECNAI SPIRIT" AND author_name:"B"
Filter By
Current Database
Current status
Sample type
- Macaca mulatta [89]
- Human immunodeficiency virus 1 [87]
- Zaire ebolavirus [25]
- Homo sapiens [21]
- Human immunodeficiency virus [18]
- Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus [18]
- Escherichia coli [17]
- (no species) [12]
- Synthetic construct [10]
- Oryctolagus cuniculus [10]
- Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus [8]
- Mus musculus [5]
- Influenza a virus [1]
- Zaire ebolavirus [1]
- Streptococcus phage stp1 [1]
- Escherichia coli [1]
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa [1]
EM Method
Model molecular weight
Release Date
Author by name
- B [217]
- Ab [193]
- Ward [193]
- Burton [174]
- Dr [174]
- D [157]
- Ca [153]
- L [146]
- M [146]
- F [136]
- Cottrell [106]
- G [106]
- S [105]
- R [100]
- Lm [98]
- Hl [95]
- Turner [95]
- Nogal [94]
- J [90]
- C [89]
- A [86]
- Y [84]
- Hangartner [77]
- Zhao [75]
- P [73]
- Sewall [73]
- Sok [72]
- E [71]
- Bianchi [69]
- X [69]
- K [58]
- He [56]
- Kirchdoerfer [56]
- Rn [56]
- Ia [55]
- Jm [55]
- Wilson [55]
- Dg [51]
- Crotty [49]
- Jr [49]
- N [47]
- Schief [43]
- Wr [43]
- Ml [42]
- V [41]
- W [41]
- Jl [40]
- Torres [40]
- H [39]
- Mj [39]
- Cd [38]
- Dj [38]
- Irvine [38]
- Melo [38]
- Je [37]
- Bastidas [36]
- Bm [36]
- Wang [36]
- Pj [35]
- Smith [35]
- Z [35]
- Zhou [35]
- Carnathan [34]
- Silvestri [34]
- Jp [32]
- Bj [31]
- Zhu [31]
- Az [30]
- Groschel [30]
- Korber [30]
- Tb [30]
- T [29]
- As [28]
- De [28]
- Ozorowski [28]
- Lee [27]
- Montefiori [27]
- Alter [26]
- Bukreyev [26]
- Crowe [26]
- Davidson [26]
- Doranz [26]
- Eo [26]
- Gunn [26]
- Krammer [26]
- Murin [26]
- Pauthner [26]
- Rw [26]
- Saphire [26]
- Wh [26]
- Ahmed [25]
- Aman [25]
- Andersen [25]
- Ar [25]
- Brannan [25]
- Chandran [25]
- Ci [25]
- Copps [25]
- Cw [25]
- Davis [25]
Author by ORCID
- Ward AB [50]
- Burton DR [40]
- Crotty S [37]
- Torres JL [30]
- Lee WH [26]
- Irvine DJ [26]
- Andersen KG [25]
- Volchkov V [25]
- Gunn BM [25]
- Crowe Jr. Je [25]
- Dye JM [25]
- Pallesen J [25]
- Schendel SL [25]
- Davis CW [25]
- Rijal P [25]
- Baker D [21]
- Yuan M [21]
- Georgeson E [19]
- Schief WR [19]
- Zhou P [18]
- Sette A [18]
- Song G [18]
- Andrabi R [18]
- Briney B [18]
- Rogers TF [18]
- Melo M [18]
- Dan JM [18]
- Zhao F [18]
- Peng L [18]
- Nemazee D [18]
- Yong P [18]
- Musharrafieh R [18]
- Zhu X [18]
- Wilson IA [18]
- Huang D [18]
- Ferguson M [18]
- Ricketts J [18]
- Safonova Y [18]
- Anzanello F [18]
- Parren M [18]
- Callaghan S [18]
- Weiskopf D [18]
- Beutler N [18]
- Smith DM [18]
- Rawlings SA [18]
- Silva M [18]
- He WT [18]
- Williamson JR [17]
- Rantalainen K [16]
- Pauthner M [14]
- Mccoy LE [14]
- Cottrell CA [14]
- Labranche C [14]
- Copps J [14]
- Crispin M [13]
- Bianchi M [13]
- Allen JD [13]
- Kong L [12]
- Pauthner MG [12]
- Murrell B [12]
- Upadhyay AA [12]
- Martin JT [12]
- Vora N [12]
- Silvestri G [11]
- Silverman JB [11]
- Perrett HR [11]
- King NP [11]
- Ozorowski G [11]
- Moore JP [11]
- Bangaru S [10]
- Graham BS [10]
- Klasse PJ [10]
- Antanasijevic A [10]
- Hauser BM [10]
- Brouwer PJ [10]
- Veesler D [10]
- Bick MJ [10]
- Ueda G [10]
- Hutchinson GB [10]
- Park YJ [10]
- Xie Z [10]
- Phung I [8]
- Rodrigues KA [8]
- Gao H [8]
- Hangartner L [8]
- Aye PP [8]
- Veazey RS [8]
- Shen X [8]
- Montefiori DC [8]
- Marina-zarate E [8]
- Pahar B [8]
- Bick M [8]
- Kepler TB [5]
- Acharya P [5]
- Boyd SD [5]
- Korber BT [5]
- Zhou T [5]
- Hill BJ [5]
- Hraber PT [5]
- Kelsoe G [5]
Electron Source
Film or detector model
Released entries by year
Line chart with 2 lines.
From the search results
The chart has 1 X axis displaying values. Range: since 2006
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Number of released entries. Range: 0 to 80.
End of interactive chart.
Distribution of resolution values in EMDB
Bar chart with 79 bars.
From the search results
The chart has 1 X axis displaying Resolution (Å).
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Number of released entries. Range: 0 to 40.
End of interactive chart.
Distribution of EM Methods in EMDB
Pie chart with 1 slice.
From the search results
End of interactive chart.
Distribution of molecular weight in EMDB
Pie chart with 9 slices.
From the search results
End of interactive chart.
Distribution of Sample type in EMDB
Pie chart with 6 slices.
From the search results
End of interactive chart.
Taxonomic distribution
Move your mouse over the main tree to show the lineage of a particular node.
You can move this pane by dragging it.
0 sequences
Filter By
Current Database
Current status
Sample type
- Macaca mulatta [89]
- Human immunodeficiency virus 1 [87]
- Zaire ebolavirus [25]
- Homo sapiens [21]
- Human immunodeficiency virus [18]
- Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus [18]
- Escherichia coli [17]
- (no species) [12]
- Synthetic construct [10]
- Oryctolagus cuniculus [10]
- Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus [8]
- Mus musculus [5]
- Influenza a virus [1]
- Zaire ebolavirus [1]
- Streptococcus phage stp1 [1]
- Escherichia coli [1]
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa [1]
EM Method
Model molecular weight
Release Date
Author by name
- B [217]
- Ab [193]
- Ward [193]
- Burton [174]
- Dr [174]
- D [157]
- Ca [153]
- L [146]
- M [146]
- F [136]
- Cottrell [106]
- G [106]
- S [105]
- R [100]
- Lm [98]
- Hl [95]
- Turner [95]
- Nogal [94]
- J [90]
- C [89]
- A [86]
- Y [84]
- Hangartner [77]
- Zhao [75]
- P [73]
- Sewall [73]
- Sok [72]
- E [71]
- Bianchi [69]
- X [69]
- K [58]
- He [56]
- Kirchdoerfer [56]
- Rn [56]
- Ia [55]
- Jm [55]
- Wilson [55]
- Dg [51]
- Crotty [49]
- Jr [49]
- N [47]
- Schief [43]
- Wr [43]
- Ml [42]
- V [41]
- W [41]
- Jl [40]
- Torres [40]
- H [39]
- Mj [39]
- Cd [38]
- Dj [38]
- Irvine [38]
- Melo [38]
- Je [37]
- Bastidas [36]
- Bm [36]
- Wang [36]
- Pj [35]
- Smith [35]
- Z [35]
- Zhou [35]
- Carnathan [34]
- Silvestri [34]
- Jp [32]
- Bj [31]
- Zhu [31]
- Az [30]
- Groschel [30]
- Korber [30]
- Tb [30]
- T [29]
- As [28]
- De [28]
- Ozorowski [28]
- Lee [27]
- Montefiori [27]
- Alter [26]
- Bukreyev [26]
- Crowe [26]
- Davidson [26]
- Doranz [26]
- Eo [26]
- Gunn [26]
- Krammer [26]
- Murin [26]
- Pauthner [26]
- Rw [26]
- Saphire [26]
- Wh [26]
- Ahmed [25]
- Aman [25]
- Andersen [25]
- Ar [25]
- Brannan [25]
- Chandran [25]
- Ci [25]
- Copps [25]
- Cw [25]
- Davis [25]
Author by ORCID
- Ward AB [50]
- Burton DR [40]
- Crotty S [37]
- Torres JL [30]
- Lee WH [26]
- Irvine DJ [26]
- Andersen KG [25]
- Volchkov V [25]
- Gunn BM [25]
- Crowe Jr. Je [25]
- Dye JM [25]
- Pallesen J [25]
- Schendel SL [25]
- Davis CW [25]
- Rijal P [25]
- Baker D [21]
- Yuan M [21]
- Georgeson E [19]
- Schief WR [19]
- Zhou P [18]
- Sette A [18]
- Song G [18]
- Andrabi R [18]
- Briney B [18]
- Rogers TF [18]
- Melo M [18]
- Dan JM [18]
- Zhao F [18]
- Peng L [18]
- Nemazee D [18]
- Yong P [18]
- Musharrafieh R [18]
- Zhu X [18]
- Wilson IA [18]
- Huang D [18]
- Ferguson M [18]
- Ricketts J [18]
- Safonova Y [18]
- Anzanello F [18]
- Parren M [18]
- Callaghan S [18]
- Weiskopf D [18]
- Beutler N [18]
- Smith DM [18]
- Rawlings SA [18]
- Silva M [18]
- He WT [18]
- Williamson JR [17]
- Rantalainen K [16]
- Pauthner M [14]
- Mccoy LE [14]
- Cottrell CA [14]
- Labranche C [14]
- Copps J [14]
- Crispin M [13]
- Bianchi M [13]
- Allen JD [13]
- Kong L [12]
- Pauthner MG [12]
- Murrell B [12]
- Upadhyay AA [12]
- Martin JT [12]
- Vora N [12]
- Silvestri G [11]
- Silverman JB [11]
- Perrett HR [11]
- King NP [11]
- Ozorowski G [11]
- Moore JP [11]
- Bangaru S [10]
- Graham BS [10]
- Klasse PJ [10]
- Antanasijevic A [10]
- Hauser BM [10]
- Brouwer PJ [10]
- Veesler D [10]
- Bick MJ [10]
- Ueda G [10]
- Hutchinson GB [10]
- Park YJ [10]
- Xie Z [10]
- Phung I [8]
- Rodrigues KA [8]
- Gao H [8]
- Hangartner L [8]
- Aye PP [8]
- Veazey RS [8]
- Shen X [8]
- Montefiori DC [8]
- Marina-zarate E [8]
- Pahar B [8]
- Bick M [8]
- Kepler TB [5]
- Acharya P [5]
- Boyd SD [5]
- Korber BT [5]
- Zhou T [5]
- Hill BJ [5]
- Hraber PT [5]
- Kelsoe G [5]
Electron Source
Film or detector model