Edit here your query command:
* AND microscope_name:"FEI TECNAI SPIRIT" AND software_ft:"RELION" AND author_name:"F"
Filter By
Current Database
Current status
Sample type
- Human immunodeficiency virus 1 [33]
- Macaca mulatta [19]
- (no species) [16]
- Homo sapiens [11]
- Simian immunodeficiency virus [10]
- Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus [2]
- Plasmodium falciparum [2]
- Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus [2]
- Schizosaccharomyces pombe [1]
- Saccharomyces cerevisiae [1]
EM Method
Author by name
- Ward AB [66]
- Burton DR [52]
- Carnathan DG [38]
- Crotty S [38]
- Montefiori DC [38]
- Schief WR [38]
- Silvestri G [38]
- Ozorowski G [37]
- Sewall LM [35]
- Cottrell CA [30]
- Irvine DJ [27]
- Georgeson E [26]
- Lee WH [25]
- Nedellec R [25]
- Bastidas R [23]
- Sanders RW [22]
- Shen X [22]
- Allen JD [21]
- Berndsen ZT [21]
- Crispin M [21]
- Cirelli KM [19]
- Groschel B [19]
- Nakao C [19]
- Moore JP [18]
- Torres JL [16]
- Allers C [15]
- Aye PP [15]
- Dufour JP [15]
- Fahlberg M [15]
- Gao H [15]
- Grasperge BF [15]
- Hangartner L [15]
- Kaur A [15]
- Kubitz M [15]
- Phung I [15]
- Schiro F [15]
- Veazey RS [15]
- Barman S [14]
- Zhao F [14]
- Bosinger SE [12]
- Choe Y [12]
- Cossette B [12]
- Enemuo CA [12]
- Gebru EH [12]
- Gibson W [12]
- Kulp DW [12]
- Kumar V [12]
- Martin JT [12]
- Melo MB [12]
- Menis S [12]
- Murrell B [12]
- Nogal B [12]
- Patel NB [12]
- Pauthner MG [12]
- Reiss S [12]
- Rodriguez OL [12]
- Smith ML [12]
- Tokatlian T [12]
- Upadhyay AA [12]
- Viviano F [12]
- Watson CT [12]
- Wiehe K [12]
- Wolabaugh AN [12]
- Antanasijevic A [11]
- Baker D [11]
- Bhiman J [11]
- Cannac F [11]
- Copps J [11]
- Jimenez LE [11]
- King NP [11]
- Labranche C [11]
- Ngo JT [11]
- Perrett HR [11]
- Rantalainen K [11]
- Rocha RF [11]
- Silverman JB [11]
- Yang YR [11]
- De La Pena At [11]
- Andrabi R [10]
- Burns A [10]
- Callaghan S [10]
- Chakraborty S [10]
- Coppola J [10]
- Desrosiers RC [10]
- Gnanakaran S [10]
- Laurino F [10]
- Lifson JD [10]
- Limbo O [10]
- Louw J [10]
- Pedreno-lopez N [10]
- Rakasz EG [10]
- Ricciardi M [10]
- Rosen BC [10]
- Sok D [10]
- Song G [10]
- Voigt TB [10]
- Watkins DI [10]
- Weisgrau KL [10]
- Yong P [10]
- Lee W [9]
Author by ORCID
- Ward AB [43]
- Burton DR [36]
- Ozorowski G [32]
- Georgeson E [26]
- Schief WR [26]
- Crotty S [26]
- Lee WH [25]
- Crispin M [21]
- Allen JD [21]
- Cottrell CA [18]
- Moore JP [18]
- Phung I [15]
- Gao H [15]
- Hangartner L [15]
- Aye PP [15]
- Veazey RS [15]
- Shen X [15]
- Irvine DJ [15]
- Montefiori DC [15]
- Barman S [14]
- Pauthner MG [12]
- Murrell B [12]
- Upadhyay AA [12]
- Martin JT [12]
- Baker D [11]
- Silverman JB [11]
- Perrett HR [11]
- King NP [11]
- Rantalainen K [11]
- Labranche C [11]
- Copps J [11]
- Pedreno-lopez N [10]
- Song G [10]
- Rakasz EG [10]
- Andrabi R [10]
- Zhao F [10]
- Yong P [10]
- Ricciardi M [10]
- Gnanakaran S [10]
- Torres JL [10]
- Limbo O [10]
- Voigt TB [10]
- Callaghan S [10]
- Silvestri G [8]
- Rodrigues KA [8]
- Marina-zarate E [8]
- Pahar B [8]
- Bick M [8]
- Milligan E [7]
- De Paris K [7]
- Cupo A [7]
- Ferrari G [7]
- Klasse PJ [7]
- Vekatayogi S [7]
- Berendam S [7]
- Wiehe K [7]
- Eudailey J [7]
- Sewall LM [7]
- Sanders RW [7]
- Yasmeen A [7]
- Fahlberg M [7]
- Williams WB [7]
- Rogers K [7]
- Chen Y [7]
- Van Schooten J [7]
- Kalyuzhniy O [7]
- Cronin K [7]
- Stanfield-oakley S [7]
- Cross KA [7]
- Sutton HJ [7]
- Labranche CC [7]
- Van Rompay Kka [7]
- Villinger F [7]
- Shirreff L [7]
- Hudgens MG [7]
- Torre JL [7]
- Dennis M [7]
- Alam S [7]
- Isaac J [7]
- Permar SR [7]
- Zhang S [7]
- Nelson AN [7]
- Memon S [7]
- Davis D [7]
- Weinbaum C [7]
- Kepler TB [5]
- Acharya P [5]
- Boyd SD [5]
- Korber BT [5]
- Zhou T [5]
- Hill BJ [5]
- Hraber PT [5]
- Kelsoe G [5]
- Bonsignori M [5]
- Bangaru S [4]
- Yuan M [4]
- Liu H [4]
- Peng L [4]
- Reincke SM [4]
- Wu NC [4]
Electron Source
Released entries by year
Line chart with 2 lines.
From the search results
The chart has 1 X axis displaying values. Range: since 2006
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Number of released entries. Range: 0 to 20.
End of interactive chart.
Distribution of resolution values in EMDB
Bar chart with 33 bars.
From the search results
The chart has 1 X axis displaying Resolution (Å).
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Number of released entries. Range: 0 to 20.
End of interactive chart.
Distribution of EM Methods in EMDB
Pie chart with 1 slice.
From the search results
End of interactive chart.
Distribution of Sample type in EMDB
Pie chart with 3 slices.
From the search results
End of interactive chart.
Taxonomic distribution
Move your mouse over the main tree to show the lineage of a particular node.
You can move this pane by dragging it.
0 sequences
Filter By
Current Database
Current status
Sample type
- Human immunodeficiency virus 1 [33]
- Macaca mulatta [19]
- (no species) [16]
- Homo sapiens [11]
- Simian immunodeficiency virus [10]
- Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus [2]
- Plasmodium falciparum [2]
- Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus [2]
- Schizosaccharomyces pombe [1]
- Saccharomyces cerevisiae [1]
EM Method
Author by name
- Ward AB [66]
- Burton DR [52]
- Carnathan DG [38]
- Crotty S [38]
- Montefiori DC [38]
- Schief WR [38]
- Silvestri G [38]
- Ozorowski G [37]
- Sewall LM [35]
- Cottrell CA [30]
- Irvine DJ [27]
- Georgeson E [26]
- Lee WH [25]
- Nedellec R [25]
- Bastidas R [23]
- Sanders RW [22]
- Shen X [22]
- Allen JD [21]
- Berndsen ZT [21]
- Crispin M [21]
- Cirelli KM [19]
- Groschel B [19]
- Nakao C [19]
- Moore JP [18]
- Torres JL [16]
- Allers C [15]
- Aye PP [15]
- Dufour JP [15]
- Fahlberg M [15]
- Gao H [15]
- Grasperge BF [15]
- Hangartner L [15]
- Kaur A [15]
- Kubitz M [15]
- Phung I [15]
- Schiro F [15]
- Veazey RS [15]
- Barman S [14]
- Zhao F [14]
- Bosinger SE [12]
- Choe Y [12]
- Cossette B [12]
- Enemuo CA [12]
- Gebru EH [12]
- Gibson W [12]
- Kulp DW [12]
- Kumar V [12]
- Martin JT [12]
- Melo MB [12]
- Menis S [12]
- Murrell B [12]
- Nogal B [12]
- Patel NB [12]
- Pauthner MG [12]
- Reiss S [12]
- Rodriguez OL [12]
- Smith ML [12]
- Tokatlian T [12]
- Upadhyay AA [12]
- Viviano F [12]
- Watson CT [12]
- Wiehe K [12]
- Wolabaugh AN [12]
- Antanasijevic A [11]
- Baker D [11]
- Bhiman J [11]
- Cannac F [11]
- Copps J [11]
- Jimenez LE [11]
- King NP [11]
- Labranche C [11]
- Ngo JT [11]
- Perrett HR [11]
- Rantalainen K [11]
- Rocha RF [11]
- Silverman JB [11]
- Yang YR [11]
- De La Pena At [11]
- Andrabi R [10]
- Burns A [10]
- Callaghan S [10]
- Chakraborty S [10]
- Coppola J [10]
- Desrosiers RC [10]
- Gnanakaran S [10]
- Laurino F [10]
- Lifson JD [10]
- Limbo O [10]
- Louw J [10]
- Pedreno-lopez N [10]
- Rakasz EG [10]
- Ricciardi M [10]
- Rosen BC [10]
- Sok D [10]
- Song G [10]
- Voigt TB [10]
- Watkins DI [10]
- Weisgrau KL [10]
- Yong P [10]
- Lee W [9]
Author by ORCID
- Ward AB [43]
- Burton DR [36]
- Ozorowski G [32]
- Georgeson E [26]
- Schief WR [26]
- Crotty S [26]
- Lee WH [25]
- Crispin M [21]
- Allen JD [21]
- Cottrell CA [18]
- Moore JP [18]
- Phung I [15]
- Gao H [15]
- Hangartner L [15]
- Aye PP [15]
- Veazey RS [15]
- Shen X [15]
- Irvine DJ [15]
- Montefiori DC [15]
- Barman S [14]
- Pauthner MG [12]
- Murrell B [12]
- Upadhyay AA [12]
- Martin JT [12]
- Baker D [11]
- Silverman JB [11]
- Perrett HR [11]
- King NP [11]
- Rantalainen K [11]
- Labranche C [11]
- Copps J [11]
- Pedreno-lopez N [10]
- Song G [10]
- Rakasz EG [10]
- Andrabi R [10]
- Zhao F [10]
- Yong P [10]
- Ricciardi M [10]
- Gnanakaran S [10]
- Torres JL [10]
- Limbo O [10]
- Voigt TB [10]
- Callaghan S [10]
- Silvestri G [8]
- Rodrigues KA [8]
- Marina-zarate E [8]
- Pahar B [8]
- Bick M [8]
- Milligan E [7]
- De Paris K [7]
- Cupo A [7]
- Ferrari G [7]
- Klasse PJ [7]
- Vekatayogi S [7]
- Berendam S [7]
- Wiehe K [7]
- Eudailey J [7]
- Sewall LM [7]
- Sanders RW [7]
- Yasmeen A [7]
- Fahlberg M [7]
- Williams WB [7]
- Rogers K [7]
- Chen Y [7]
- Van Schooten J [7]
- Kalyuzhniy O [7]
- Cronin K [7]
- Stanfield-oakley S [7]
- Cross KA [7]
- Sutton HJ [7]
- Labranche CC [7]
- Van Rompay Kka [7]
- Villinger F [7]
- Shirreff L [7]
- Hudgens MG [7]
- Torre JL [7]
- Dennis M [7]
- Alam S [7]
- Isaac J [7]
- Permar SR [7]
- Zhang S [7]
- Nelson AN [7]
- Memon S [7]
- Davis D [7]
- Weinbaum C [7]
- Kepler TB [5]
- Acharya P [5]
- Boyd SD [5]
- Korber BT [5]
- Zhou T [5]
- Hill BJ [5]
- Hraber PT [5]
- Kelsoe G [5]
- Bonsignori M [5]
- Bangaru S [4]
- Yuan M [4]
- Liu H [4]
- Peng L [4]
- Reincke SM [4]
- Wu NC [4]
Electron Source