Edit here your query command:
author:"Sok D" AND author_name:"Adachi Y"
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Current Database
Current status
Sample type
EM Method
Model molecular weight
Author by name
- A [25]
- Ab [25]
- Adachi [25]
- D [25]
- E [25]
- G [25]
- Georgeson [25]
- Jr [25]
- Kalyuzhniy [25]
- Kubitz [25]
- Liguori [25]
- M [25]
- O [25]
- Ozorowski [25]
- S [25]
- Schief [25]
- Sok [25]
- Ward [25]
- Wr [25]
- Y [25]
- Jl [24]
- Jm [24]
- Steichen [24]
- Torres [24]
- 3Rd [21]
- Baboo [21]
- Diedrich [21]
- Jc [21]
- Jh [21]
- Jk [21]
- Lee [21]
- Paulson [21]
- R [21]
- T [21]
- Yates [21]
- Batista [19]
- Fd [19]
- Lin [19]
- X [19]
- Yc [19]
- Kratochvil [18]
- Am [15]
- Himansu [15]
- Kh [15]
- Kirsch [15]
- Nair [15]
- Ray [15]
- U [15]
- Wang [15]
- Carfi [14]
- Dale [14]
- Falcone [14]
- Ga [14]
- Jackson [14]
- Je [14]
- Prum [14]
- Richey [14]
- Rm [14]
- Sr [14]
- St [14]
- Volk [14]
- Warner [14]
- Weldon [14]
- Xie [14]
- Z [14]
- Burton [11]
- Crotty [11]
- Dr [11]
- Willis [11]
- Allen [7]
- Ca [7]
- Cottrell [7]
- Crispin [7]
- Ct [7]
- I [7]
- Jd [7]
- K [7]
- Ma [7]
- Ml [7]
- Ol [7]
- Phung [7]
- Rodriguez [7]
- Saha [7]
- Schiffner [7]
- Shields [7]
- Smith [7]
- Watson [7]
- Altheide [6]
- Barman [6]
- Bosinger [6]
- Burns [6]
- Hj [6]
- Km [6]
- Madden [6]
- Metz [6]
- Mopuri [6]
- Mullen [6]
- Pj [6]
- Salcedo [6]
- Schultze [6]
Author by ORCID
- Schief WR [25]
- Kalyuzhniy O [25]
- Sok D [25]
- Adachi Y [24]
- Steichen JM [24]
- Liguori A [24]
- Torres JL [24]
- Georgeson E [21]
- Yates 3Rd Jr [21]
- Ward AB [21]
- Baboo S [21]
- Ozorowski G [21]
- Paulson JC [21]
- Diedrich JK [20]
- Lee JH [20]
- Batista FD [19]
- Lin YC [19]
- Kratochvil S [18]
- Himansu S [15]
- Weldon SR [14]
- Jackson AM [14]
- Nair U [14]
- Ray R [14]
- Dale GA [14]
- Wang X [14]
- Prum T [14]
- Xie Z [14]
- Burton DR [11]
- Willis JR [11]
- Crotty S [11]
- Watson CT [7]
- Phung I [7]
- Crispin M [7]
- Cottrell CA [7]
- Allen JD [7]
- Mullen TM [6]
- Ma KM [6]
- Smith ML [6]
- Salcedo E [6]
- Mopuri R [6]
- Bosinger SE [6]
- Sutton HJ [6]
- Barman S [6]
- Burns A [6]
- Madden PJ [6]
- Metz A [6]
- Pecetta S [5]
- Kulp DW [5]
- Wilson IA [5]
- Landais E [5]
- Briney B [4]
- Phelps N [4]
- Melzi E [4]
- Raemisch S [4]
- Havenar-daughton C [4]
- Toy L [4]
- Robinson A [4]
- Ward AB [4]
- Umotoy J [4]
- Hu X [4]
- Silvestri G [1]
- Swanson O [1]
- Spencer S [1]
- Alt FW [1]
- Rantalainen K [1]
- Rodriguez OL [1]
- Lee CD [1]
- Amara RR [1]
- Davis J [1]
- Marina-zarate E [1]
- Grigoryan G [1]
- Saha S [1]
Electron Source
Film or detector model
Released entries by year
Line chart with 2 lines.
From the search results
The chart has 1 X axis displaying values. Range: since 2006
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Number of released entries. Range: 0 to 25.
End of interactive chart.
Distribution of resolution values in EMDB
Bar chart with 31 bars.
From the search results
The chart has 1 X axis displaying Resolution (Å).
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Number of released entries. Range: 0 to 12.5.
End of interactive chart.
Distribution of EM Methods in EMDB
Pie chart with 1 slice.
From the search results
End of interactive chart.
Distribution of molecular weight in EMDB
Pie chart with 9 slices.
From the search results
End of interactive chart.
Distribution of Sample type in EMDB
Pie chart with 3 slices.
From the search results
End of interactive chart.
Taxonomic distribution
Move your mouse over the main tree to show the lineage of a particular node.
You can move this pane by dragging it.
0 sequences
Filter By
Current Database
Current status
Sample type
EM Method
Model molecular weight
Author by name
- A [25]
- Ab [25]
- Adachi [25]
- D [25]
- E [25]
- G [25]
- Georgeson [25]
- Jr [25]
- Kalyuzhniy [25]
- Kubitz [25]
- Liguori [25]
- M [25]
- O [25]
- Ozorowski [25]
- S [25]
- Schief [25]
- Sok [25]
- Ward [25]
- Wr [25]
- Y [25]
- Jl [24]
- Jm [24]
- Steichen [24]
- Torres [24]
- 3Rd [21]
- Baboo [21]
- Diedrich [21]
- Jc [21]
- Jh [21]
- Jk [21]
- Lee [21]
- Paulson [21]
- R [21]
- T [21]
- Yates [21]
- Batista [19]
- Fd [19]
- Lin [19]
- X [19]
- Yc [19]
- Kratochvil [18]
- Am [15]
- Himansu [15]
- Kh [15]
- Kirsch [15]
- Nair [15]
- Ray [15]
- U [15]
- Wang [15]
- Carfi [14]
- Dale [14]
- Falcone [14]
- Ga [14]
- Jackson [14]
- Je [14]
- Prum [14]
- Richey [14]
- Rm [14]
- Sr [14]
- St [14]
- Volk [14]
- Warner [14]
- Weldon [14]
- Xie [14]
- Z [14]
- Burton [11]
- Crotty [11]
- Dr [11]
- Willis [11]
- Allen [7]
- Ca [7]
- Cottrell [7]
- Crispin [7]
- Ct [7]
- I [7]
- Jd [7]
- K [7]
- Ma [7]
- Ml [7]
- Ol [7]
- Phung [7]
- Rodriguez [7]
- Saha [7]
- Schiffner [7]
- Shields [7]
- Smith [7]
- Watson [7]
- Altheide [6]
- Barman [6]
- Bosinger [6]
- Burns [6]
- Hj [6]
- Km [6]
- Madden [6]
- Metz [6]
- Mopuri [6]
- Mullen [6]
- Pj [6]
- Salcedo [6]
- Schultze [6]
Author by ORCID
- Schief WR [25]
- Kalyuzhniy O [25]
- Sok D [25]
- Adachi Y [24]
- Steichen JM [24]
- Liguori A [24]
- Torres JL [24]
- Georgeson E [21]
- Yates 3Rd Jr [21]
- Ward AB [21]
- Baboo S [21]
- Ozorowski G [21]
- Paulson JC [21]
- Diedrich JK [20]
- Lee JH [20]
- Batista FD [19]
- Lin YC [19]
- Kratochvil S [18]
- Himansu S [15]
- Weldon SR [14]
- Jackson AM [14]
- Nair U [14]
- Ray R [14]
- Dale GA [14]
- Wang X [14]
- Prum T [14]
- Xie Z [14]
- Burton DR [11]
- Willis JR [11]
- Crotty S [11]
- Watson CT [7]
- Phung I [7]
- Crispin M [7]
- Cottrell CA [7]
- Allen JD [7]
- Mullen TM [6]
- Ma KM [6]
- Smith ML [6]
- Salcedo E [6]
- Mopuri R [6]
- Bosinger SE [6]
- Sutton HJ [6]
- Barman S [6]
- Burns A [6]
- Madden PJ [6]
- Metz A [6]
- Pecetta S [5]
- Kulp DW [5]
- Wilson IA [5]
- Landais E [5]
- Briney B [4]
- Phelps N [4]
- Melzi E [4]
- Raemisch S [4]
- Havenar-daughton C [4]
- Toy L [4]
- Robinson A [4]
- Ward AB [4]
- Umotoy J [4]
- Hu X [4]
- Silvestri G [1]
- Swanson O [1]
- Spencer S [1]
- Alt FW [1]
- Rantalainen K [1]
- Rodriguez OL [1]
- Lee CD [1]
- Amara RR [1]
- Davis J [1]
- Marina-zarate E [1]
- Grigoryan G [1]
- Saha S [1]
Electron Source
Film or detector model