Edit here your query command:
author:"Zhang B" AND author_name:"Liu L" AND author_name:"Wang"
Filter By
Current Database
Current status
Sample type
EM Method
Model molecular weight
Author by name
- B [43]
- G [43]
- J [43]
- L [43]
- Liu [43]
- P [43]
- Wang [43]
- Y [43]
- Zhang [43]
- Guo [41]
- Z [41]
- F [38]
- X [28]
- Yu [28]
- T [27]
- Zhou [27]
- Chen [26]
- Cheng [26]
- H [26]
- Q [26]
- Shang [26]
- Sun [26]
- Yang [26]
- Zhu [26]
- Cerutti [17]
- Dd [17]
- Ho [17]
- Katsamba [17]
- Kwong [17]
- M [17]
- Pd [17]
- Shapiro [17]
- Bahna [15]
- Bimela [15]
- Er [15]
- Huang [15]
- Rapp [15]
- Reddem [15]
- S [15]
- Sheng [15]
- Shi [15]
- W [15]
- As [14]
- Gorman [14]
- Olia [14]
- Ps [14]
- C [13]
- D [13]
- Dai [13]
- Deng [13]
- Dong [13]
- Gao [13]
- He [13]
- Huo [13]
- Jiang [13]
- Jp [13]
- K [13]
- Li [13]
- Liang [13]
- Lou [13]
- Lu [13]
- Luo [13]
- Ma [13]
- Meng [13]
- N [13]
- Nk [13]
- Pang [13]
- Qi [13]
- Rao [13]
- Rong [13]
- Song [13]
- Tang [13]
- Wen [13]
- Wu [13]
- Xiao [13]
- Xie [13]
- Xiong [13]
- Yi [13]
- Zheng [13]
- Chuang [12]
- Gy [12]
- Lee [12]
- Ms [12]
- Nair [12]
- R [12]
- Rawi [12]
- Fa [3]
- Js [3]
- Mannepalli [3]
- Sm [3]
- A [2]
- Abiona [2]
- Acevedo [2]
- Banach [2]
- Bb [2]
- Bj [2]
- Bs [2]
- Chang [2]
- Corbett [2]
- De [2]
Author by ORCID
- Guo H [13]
- Zhou J [13]
- Rao Z [13]
- Gao Y [13]
- Yang H [13]
- Yang X [13]
- Tang J [13]
- Zhu P [13]
- Wu J [13]
- Xie Y [13]
- Ma S [13]
- Guo Y [13]
- Liu F [13]
- Lou Z [13]
- Zhou J [13]
- Cheng T [13]
- Qi J [13]
- Yang Q [13]
- Cerutti G [9]
- Wang P [9]
- Reddem ER [9]
- Liu L [9]
- Gorman J [7]
- Guo Y [6]
- Rapp M [6]
- Zhou T [6]
- Lee M [6]
- Nair MS [6]
- Katsamba PS [6]
- Katsamba P [3]
- Shapiro L [1]
- Kwong PD [1]
Electron Source
Film or detector model
EMPIAR Experiment type
EMPIAR Image category
Released entries by year
Line chart with 2 lines.
From the search results
The chart has 1 X axis displaying values. Range: since 2006
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Number of released entries. Range: 0 to 15.
End of interactive chart.
Distribution of resolution values in EMDB
Bar chart with 6 bars.
From the search results
The chart has 1 X axis displaying Resolution (Å).
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Number of released entries. Range: 0 to 25.
End of interactive chart.
Distribution of EM Methods in EMDB
Pie chart with 1 slice.
From the search results
End of interactive chart.
Distribution of molecular weight in EMDB
Pie chart with 9 slices.
From the search results
End of interactive chart.
Distribution of Sample type in EMDB
Pie chart with 4 slices.
From the search results
End of interactive chart.
Taxonomic distribution
Move your mouse over the main tree to show the lineage of a particular node.
You can move this pane by dragging it.
0 sequences
Distribution of raw data size in EMPIAR
Pie chart with 7 slices.
From the search results
End of interactive chart.
Distribution of experiment type in EMPIAR
Pie chart with 1 slice.
From the search results
End of interactive chart.
Most common image categories in EMPIAR
Bar chart with 1 bar.
From the search results
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Number of released entries. Range: 0 to 6.
End of interactive chart.
Filter By
Current Database
Current status
Sample type
EM Method
Model molecular weight
Author by name
- B [43]
- G [43]
- J [43]
- L [43]
- Liu [43]
- P [43]
- Wang [43]
- Y [43]
- Zhang [43]
- Guo [41]
- Z [41]
- F [38]
- X [28]
- Yu [28]
- T [27]
- Zhou [27]
- Chen [26]
- Cheng [26]
- H [26]
- Q [26]
- Shang [26]
- Sun [26]
- Yang [26]
- Zhu [26]
- Cerutti [17]
- Dd [17]
- Ho [17]
- Katsamba [17]
- Kwong [17]
- M [17]
- Pd [17]
- Shapiro [17]
- Bahna [15]
- Bimela [15]
- Er [15]
- Huang [15]
- Rapp [15]
- Reddem [15]
- S [15]
- Sheng [15]
- Shi [15]
- W [15]
- As [14]
- Gorman [14]
- Olia [14]
- Ps [14]
- C [13]
- D [13]
- Dai [13]
- Deng [13]
- Dong [13]
- Gao [13]
- He [13]
- Huo [13]
- Jiang [13]
- Jp [13]
- K [13]
- Li [13]
- Liang [13]
- Lou [13]
- Lu [13]
- Luo [13]
- Ma [13]
- Meng [13]
- N [13]
- Nk [13]
- Pang [13]
- Qi [13]
- Rao [13]
- Rong [13]
- Song [13]
- Tang [13]
- Wen [13]
- Wu [13]
- Xiao [13]
- Xie [13]
- Xiong [13]
- Yi [13]
- Zheng [13]
- Chuang [12]
- Gy [12]
- Lee [12]
- Ms [12]
- Nair [12]
- R [12]
- Rawi [12]
- Fa [3]
- Js [3]
- Mannepalli [3]
- Sm [3]
- A [2]
- Abiona [2]
- Acevedo [2]
- Banach [2]
- Bb [2]
- Bj [2]
- Bs [2]
- Chang [2]
- Corbett [2]
- De [2]
Author by ORCID
- Guo H [13]
- Zhou J [13]
- Rao Z [13]
- Gao Y [13]
- Yang H [13]
- Yang X [13]
- Tang J [13]
- Zhu P [13]
- Wu J [13]
- Xie Y [13]
- Ma S [13]
- Guo Y [13]
- Liu F [13]
- Lou Z [13]
- Zhou J [13]
- Cheng T [13]
- Qi J [13]
- Yang Q [13]
- Cerutti G [9]
- Wang P [9]
- Reddem ER [9]
- Liu L [9]
- Gorman J [7]
- Guo Y [6]
- Rapp M [6]
- Zhou T [6]
- Lee M [6]
- Nair MS [6]
- Katsamba PS [6]
- Katsamba P [3]
- Shapiro L [1]
- Kwong PD [1]
Electron Source
Film or detector model
EMPIAR Experiment type
EMPIAR Image category