Edit here your query command:
author:"Zhang B" AND author_name:"Rawi R" AND author_name:"Chuang GY"
Filter By
Current Database
Current status
Sample type
EM Method
Model molecular weight
Author by name
- B [46]
- Chuang [46]
- Gy [46]
- Kwong [46]
- Pd [46]
- R [46]
- Rawi [46]
- Zhang [46]
- T [41]
- L [40]
- M [40]
- J [39]
- Zhou [37]
- As [36]
- Wang [36]
- Gorman [35]
- Y [35]
- P [34]
- Jr [33]
- Mascola [33]
- K [32]
- Shapiro [32]
- Ch [30]
- Doria [30]
- Louder [30]
- Mk [30]
- Na [30]
- Rose [30]
- Shen [30]
- Liu [28]
- Olia [27]
- S [27]
- A [26]
- Z [26]
- Sheng [25]
- Lin [24]
- H [23]
- Xu [23]
- Dell [21]
- O [21]
- Sastry [21]
- Geng [20]
- Acharya [19]
- C [19]
- Chen [19]
- Cheng [19]
- Guo [19]
- Ou [19]
- X [19]
- Kong [17]
- Mckee [17]
- Lee [16]
- Ms [16]
- Ab [15]
- Bc [15]
- Cs [15]
- Carragher [14]
- Cw [14]
- Ek [14]
- Potter [14]
- Sarfo [14]
- Wei [14]
- Ar [13]
- Bailer [13]
- Corrigan [13]
- Dandey [13]
- Jd [13]
- Jp [13]
- Rt [13]
- Todd [13]
- Vp [13]
- Af [12]
- Aj [12]
- Ap [12]
- Bahna [12]
- Bimela [12]
- Cerutti [12]
- Choi [12]
- Dd [12]
- Dg [12]
- Eg [12]
- Eng [12]
- Er [12]
- Et [12]
- F [12]
- Foulds [12]
- G [12]
- Ho [12]
- Huang [12]
- Jafari [12]
- Katsamba [12]
- Ke [12]
- Kwon [12]
- Nair [12]
- Ohr [12]
- Ps [12]
- Rapp [12]
- Reddem [12]
- Rowshan [12]
- Scorpio [12]
Author by ORCID
- Gorman J [29]
- Zhou T [16]
- Acharya P [15]
- Guo Y [13]
- Sarfo EK [13]
- Eng ET [12]
- Kwong PD [11]
- Lee M [10]
- Louder MK [9]
- Duan H [7]
- Corcoran MM [7]
- Corrigan AR [7]
- Rapp M [6]
- Parchment DK [6]
- Nair MS [6]
- Cerutti G [6]
- Wang P [6]
- Reddem ER [6]
- Liu L [6]
- Katsamba PS [6]
- Lemmin T [5]
- Asokan M [5]
- Sheng Z [5]
- Mcdermott AB [5]
- Liu K [5]
- Lai YT [5]
- Rawi R [4]
- Wang S [4]
- Cottrell CA [4]
- Manne K [4]
- Edwards RJ [4]
- Dekosky BJ [3]
- Doria-rose NA [3]
- Haddox HK [2]
- Moore PL [2]
- Dingens AS [2]
- Shapiro L [2]
- Carragher B [2]
- Mascola JR [2]
- Bloom JD [2]
- Zolla-pazner S [1]
- Wang L [1]
Electron Source
Film or detector model
EMPIAR Experiment type
EMPIAR Image category
Released entries by year
Line chart with 2 lines.
From the search results
The chart has 1 X axis displaying values. Range: since 2006
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Number of released entries. Range: 0 to 15.
End of interactive chart.
Distribution of resolution values in EMDB
Bar chart with 20 bars.
From the search results
The chart has 1 X axis displaying Resolution (Å).
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Number of released entries. Range: 0 to 20.
End of interactive chart.
Distribution of EM Methods in EMDB
Pie chart with 1 slice.
From the search results
End of interactive chart.
Distribution of molecular weight in EMDB
Pie chart with 9 slices.
From the search results
End of interactive chart.
Distribution of Sample type in EMDB
Pie chart with 3 slices.
From the search results
End of interactive chart.
Taxonomic distribution
Move your mouse over the main tree to show the lineage of a particular node.
You can move this pane by dragging it.
0 sequences
Distribution of raw data size in EMPIAR
Pie chart with 7 slices.
From the search results
End of interactive chart.
Distribution of experiment type in EMPIAR
Pie chart with 1 slice.
From the search results
End of interactive chart.
Most common image categories in EMPIAR
Bar chart with 1 bar.
From the search results
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Number of released entries. Range: 0 to 6.
End of interactive chart.
Filter By
Current Database
Current status
Sample type
EM Method
Model molecular weight
Author by name
- B [46]
- Chuang [46]
- Gy [46]
- Kwong [46]
- Pd [46]
- R [46]
- Rawi [46]
- Zhang [46]
- T [41]
- L [40]
- M [40]
- J [39]
- Zhou [37]
- As [36]
- Wang [36]
- Gorman [35]
- Y [35]
- P [34]
- Jr [33]
- Mascola [33]
- K [32]
- Shapiro [32]
- Ch [30]
- Doria [30]
- Louder [30]
- Mk [30]
- Na [30]
- Rose [30]
- Shen [30]
- Liu [28]
- Olia [27]
- S [27]
- A [26]
- Z [26]
- Sheng [25]
- Lin [24]
- H [23]
- Xu [23]
- Dell [21]
- O [21]
- Sastry [21]
- Geng [20]
- Acharya [19]
- C [19]
- Chen [19]
- Cheng [19]
- Guo [19]
- Ou [19]
- X [19]
- Kong [17]
- Mckee [17]
- Lee [16]
- Ms [16]
- Ab [15]
- Bc [15]
- Cs [15]
- Carragher [14]
- Cw [14]
- Ek [14]
- Potter [14]
- Sarfo [14]
- Wei [14]
- Ar [13]
- Bailer [13]
- Corrigan [13]
- Dandey [13]
- Jd [13]
- Jp [13]
- Rt [13]
- Todd [13]
- Vp [13]
- Af [12]
- Aj [12]
- Ap [12]
- Bahna [12]
- Bimela [12]
- Cerutti [12]
- Choi [12]
- Dd [12]
- Dg [12]
- Eg [12]
- Eng [12]
- Er [12]
- Et [12]
- F [12]
- Foulds [12]
- G [12]
- Ho [12]
- Huang [12]
- Jafari [12]
- Katsamba [12]
- Ke [12]
- Kwon [12]
- Nair [12]
- Ohr [12]
- Ps [12]
- Rapp [12]
- Reddem [12]
- Rowshan [12]
- Scorpio [12]
Author by ORCID
- Gorman J [29]
- Zhou T [16]
- Acharya P [15]
- Guo Y [13]
- Sarfo EK [13]
- Eng ET [12]
- Kwong PD [11]
- Lee M [10]
- Louder MK [9]
- Duan H [7]
- Corcoran MM [7]
- Corrigan AR [7]
- Rapp M [6]
- Parchment DK [6]
- Nair MS [6]
- Cerutti G [6]
- Wang P [6]
- Reddem ER [6]
- Liu L [6]
- Katsamba PS [6]
- Lemmin T [5]
- Asokan M [5]
- Sheng Z [5]
- Mcdermott AB [5]
- Liu K [5]
- Lai YT [5]
- Rawi R [4]
- Wang S [4]
- Cottrell CA [4]
- Manne K [4]
- Edwards RJ [4]
- Dekosky BJ [3]
- Doria-rose NA [3]
- Haddox HK [2]
- Moore PL [2]
- Dingens AS [2]
- Shapiro L [2]
- Carragher B [2]
- Mascola JR [2]
- Bloom JD [2]
- Zolla-pazner S [1]
- Wang L [1]
Electron Source
Film or detector model
EMPIAR Experiment type
EMPIAR Image category