Edit here your query command:
primary_citation_author:"Geng H" AND author_name:"Xu K" AND author_name:"Wang Y"
Filter By
Current Database
Current status
Sample type
EM Method
Model molecular weight
Author by name
- Chen X [18]
- Cheng C [18]
- Chuang GY [18]
- Doria-rose NA [18]
- Geng H [18]
- Gorman J [18]
- Kwong PD [18]
- Louder MK [18]
- Mascola JR [18]
- O'dell S [18]
- Ou L [18]
- Rawi R [18]
- Sastry M [18]
- Shen CH [18]
- Wang Y [18]
- Xu K [18]
- Zhang B [18]
- Zhou T [18]
- Corrigan AR [13]
- Sarfo EK [13]
- Wang S [13]
- Acharya P [12]
- Bailer RT [12]
- Carragher B [12]
- Choi CW [12]
- Dandey VP [12]
- Eng ET [12]
- Foulds KE [12]
- Jafari AJ [12]
- Kong R [12]
- Kwon YD [12]
- Liu K [12]
- Ohr TY [12]
- Potter CS [12]
- Rowshan AP [12]
- Scorpio DG [12]
- Shapiro L [12]
- Sheng Z [12]
- Todd JP [12]
- Viox EG [12]
- Wei H [12]
- Chambers M [11]
- Mcdermott AB [11]
- Mckee K [11]
- Tsybovsky Y [11]
- Bloom JD [7]
- Chao CW [7]
- Corcoran MM [7]
- Dingens AS [7]
- Duan H [7]
- Gu Y [7]
- Guo Y [7]
- Karlsson Hedestam Gb [7]
- Lin B [7]
- Mason RD [7]
- Mullikin JC [7]
- Nason MC [7]
- Overbaugh J [7]
- Schon A [7]
- Wu W [7]
- Biju A [6]
- Changela A [6]
- Chen Y [6]
- Lin BC [6]
- Nazzari AF [6]
- Olia AS [6]
- Parchment DK [6]
- Reveiz M [6]
- Stephens T [6]
- Stewart-jones GBE [6]
- Stuckey J [6]
- Verardi R [6]
- Zheng CY [6]
- Asokan M [5]
- Chen R [5]
- Druz A [5]
- Farney SK [5]
- Georgiev IS [5]
- Hill KR [5]
- Lai YT [5]
- Lemmin T [5]
- Peng D [5]
- Yang L [5]
- Yang Y [5]
- Zhou AF [5]
Author by ORCID
Electron Source
Film or detector model
Released entries by year
Line chart with 2 lines.
From the search results
The chart has 1 X axis displaying values. Range: since 2006
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Number of released entries. Range: 0 to 8.
End of interactive chart.
Distribution of resolution values in EMDB
Bar chart with 20 bars.
From the search results
The chart has 1 X axis displaying Resolution (Å).
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Number of released entries. Range: 0 to 8.
End of interactive chart.
Distribution of EM Methods in EMDB
Pie chart with 1 slice.
From the search results
End of interactive chart.
Distribution of molecular weight in EMDB
Pie chart with 9 slices.
From the search results
End of interactive chart.
Distribution of Sample type in EMDB
Pie chart with 3 slices.
From the search results
End of interactive chart.
Taxonomic distribution
Move your mouse over the main tree to show the lineage of a particular node.
You can move this pane by dragging it.
0 sequences
Filter By
Current Database
Current status
Sample type
EM Method
Model molecular weight
Author by name
- Chen X [18]
- Cheng C [18]
- Chuang GY [18]
- Doria-rose NA [18]
- Geng H [18]
- Gorman J [18]
- Kwong PD [18]
- Louder MK [18]
- Mascola JR [18]
- O'dell S [18]
- Ou L [18]
- Rawi R [18]
- Sastry M [18]
- Shen CH [18]
- Wang Y [18]
- Xu K [18]
- Zhang B [18]
- Zhou T [18]
- Corrigan AR [13]
- Sarfo EK [13]
- Wang S [13]
- Acharya P [12]
- Bailer RT [12]
- Carragher B [12]
- Choi CW [12]
- Dandey VP [12]
- Eng ET [12]
- Foulds KE [12]
- Jafari AJ [12]
- Kong R [12]
- Kwon YD [12]
- Liu K [12]
- Ohr TY [12]
- Potter CS [12]
- Rowshan AP [12]
- Scorpio DG [12]
- Shapiro L [12]
- Sheng Z [12]
- Todd JP [12]
- Viox EG [12]
- Wei H [12]
- Chambers M [11]
- Mcdermott AB [11]
- Mckee K [11]
- Tsybovsky Y [11]
- Bloom JD [7]
- Chao CW [7]
- Corcoran MM [7]
- Dingens AS [7]
- Duan H [7]
- Gu Y [7]
- Guo Y [7]
- Karlsson Hedestam Gb [7]
- Lin B [7]
- Mason RD [7]
- Mullikin JC [7]
- Nason MC [7]
- Overbaugh J [7]
- Schon A [7]
- Wu W [7]
- Biju A [6]
- Changela A [6]
- Chen Y [6]
- Lin BC [6]
- Nazzari AF [6]
- Olia AS [6]
- Parchment DK [6]
- Reveiz M [6]
- Stephens T [6]
- Stewart-jones GBE [6]
- Stuckey J [6]
- Verardi R [6]
- Zheng CY [6]
- Asokan M [5]
- Chen R [5]
- Druz A [5]
- Farney SK [5]
- Georgiev IS [5]
- Hill KR [5]
- Lai YT [5]
- Lemmin T [5]
- Peng D [5]
- Yang L [5]
- Yang Y [5]
- Zhou AF [5]
Author by ORCID
Electron Source
Film or detector model