Edit here your query command:
primary_citation_author:"Wang B" AND natural_source_ncbi_code:"9606" AND author_name:"Johnson SA"
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Current Database
Current status
Sample type
EM Method
Model molecular weight
Release Date
Author by name
- A [9]
- Aj [9]
- B [9]
- C [9]
- Case [9]
- Chen [9]
- Clare [9]
- D [9]
- Dejnirattisai [9]
- Di [9]
- Diamond [9]
- Dk [9]
- Dr [9]
- Dt [9]
- Duyvesteyn [9]
- Ee [9]
- Fry [9]
- Ginn [9]
- Goulder [9]
- Gr [9]
- Hall [9]
- Hm [9]
- Hme [9]
- Howe [9]
- J [9]
- Jb [9]
- Johnson [9]
- Liu [9]
- Ma [9]
- Malik [9]
- Mason [9]
- Mentzer [9]
- Mongkolsapaya [9]
- Ms [9]
- N [9]
- Ng [9]
- Nutalai [9]
- P [9]
- Paterson [9]
- Pjr [9]
- R [9]
- Re [9]
- Ren [9]
- Ritter [9]
- Sa [9]
- Screaton [9]
- Skelly [9]
- Stuart [9]
- Supasa [9]
- T [9]
- Temperton [9]
- Tg [9]
- Tuekprakhon [9]
- W [9]
- Wang [9]
- Williams [9]
- Y [9]
- Zhao [9]
- Zhou [9]
Author by ORCID
Electron Source
Film or detector model
Released entries by year
Line chart with 2 lines.
From the search results
The chart has 1 X axis displaying values. Range: since 2006
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Number of released entries. Range: 0 to 10.
End of interactive chart.
Distribution of resolution values in EMDB
Bar chart with 5 bars.
From the search results
The chart has 1 X axis displaying Resolution (Å).
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Number of released entries. Range: 0 to 5.
End of interactive chart.
Distribution of EM Methods in EMDB
Pie chart with 1 slice.
From the search results
End of interactive chart.
Distribution of molecular weight in EMDB
Pie chart with 9 slices.
From the search results
End of interactive chart.
Distribution of Sample type in EMDB
Pie chart with 4 slices.
From the search results
End of interactive chart.
Taxonomic distribution
Move your mouse over the main tree to show the lineage of a particular node.
You can move this pane by dragging it.
0 sequences
Filter By
Current Database
Current status
Sample type
EM Method
Model molecular weight
Release Date
Author by name
- A [9]
- Aj [9]
- B [9]
- C [9]
- Case [9]
- Chen [9]
- Clare [9]
- D [9]
- Dejnirattisai [9]
- Di [9]
- Diamond [9]
- Dk [9]
- Dr [9]
- Dt [9]
- Duyvesteyn [9]
- Ee [9]
- Fry [9]
- Ginn [9]
- Goulder [9]
- Gr [9]
- Hall [9]
- Hm [9]
- Hme [9]
- Howe [9]
- J [9]
- Jb [9]
- Johnson [9]
- Liu [9]
- Ma [9]
- Malik [9]
- Mason [9]
- Mentzer [9]
- Mongkolsapaya [9]
- Ms [9]
- N [9]
- Ng [9]
- Nutalai [9]
- P [9]
- Paterson [9]
- Pjr [9]
- R [9]
- Re [9]
- Ren [9]
- Ritter [9]
- Sa [9]
- Screaton [9]
- Skelly [9]
- Stuart [9]
- Supasa [9]
- T [9]
- Temperton [9]
- Tg [9]
- Tuekprakhon [9]
- W [9]
- Wang [9]
- Williams [9]
- Y [9]
- Zhao [9]
- Zhou [9]
Author by ORCID
Electron Source
Film or detector model