Details:.The data.h5 file is the data output from SuRVoS.
It is in the same orientation as the annotations.
The Easy_Level*_Label*.rec files are the annotation output from SuRVoS.
Each file is a different class of objects as arbitrarily defined by the annotator.
They are all in the same orientations as the data.h5 file.
The .mpg file is the movie showing these data that was provided for publication.
It was created in Chimera.
The movie is open access, but if made avaialble anywhere should indicate the publication it came from:
Luengo, I., Darrow, M. C., Spink, M. C., Sun, Y., Dai, W., He, C. Y., et al.
SuRVoS: Super-Region Volume Segmentation Workbench.
J Struct Biol (198), doi: 10.1016/j.jsb.2017.02.007 (2017).
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