
CryoEM dataset containing multiple conformations of the asymmetric αVβ8 integrin bound to latent TGF-β on a holey carbon grid (strongly preferred orientations)

Entry authors:
Cryo-EM Reveals Integrin-Mediated TGF-β Activation without Release from Latent TGF-β
Campbell MG , Cormier A , Ito S, Seed RI, Bondesson AJ, Lou J, Marks JD, Baron J, Cheng Y , Nishimura SL 
Experiment type:
Last modified:
Dataset size:
1.2 TB
Experimental metadata:
picked particles
Image not available

Image sets

1. Unaligned 80-frame movies of αVβ8 integrin bound to latent TGF-β on a holey carbon grid
Category:micrographs - multiframe
Image format:TIFF
No. of images or tilt series:1684
Frames per image:80
Image size:(7676, 7420)
Pixel spacing:(0.6725 Å, 0.6725 Å)
.αVβ8 integrin bound to latent TGF-β on holey carbon grids (particles have strongly preferred orientations): 1684 unaligned uncorrected movies were recorded automatically using SerialEM on a K2 camera in super-resolution (dstep=2.5) mode on a Titan Krios microscope operated at 300 kV (Cs=2.7) equipped with an energy filter using a slit width of 20 eV. The 16 second movies contain 80 frames and the super resolution pixel size is 0.6725 Å/px. The total dose per movie is ~70 e/Å^2. The gain reference, a file containing coordinates for a single dead column, and a list of the 1364 micrographs that were used for downstream processing are included.
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2. Dose-weighted aligned micrographs of αVβ8 integrin bound to latent TGF-β on a holey carbon grid
Category:micrographs - single frame
Image format:MRC
No. of images or tilt series:1684
Image size:(3838, 3710)
Pixel type:32 BIT FLOAT
Pixel spacing:(1.345 Å, 1.345 Å)
.αVβ8 integrin bound to latent TGF-β on holey carbon grids (particles have strongly preferred orientations): 1684 aligned and dose-weighted (in MotionCor2) micrographs recorded automatically using SerialEM on a K2 camera (dstep=5) in super-resolution mode on a Titan Krios microscope operated at 300 kV (Cs=2.7) equipped with an energy filter using a slit width of 20 eV. Images were binned by 2 using Fourier cropping and the binned pixel size is 1.345. The total dose per micrograph is ~70 e/Å^2. A list of the 1364 micrographs that were used for downstream processing is included.
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3. Dose-weighted aligned particle stacks of αVβ8 integrin bound to latent TGF-β on a holey carbon grid
Category:picked particles - single frame - processed
Image format:MRCS
No. of images or tilt series:68356
Image size:(300, 300)
Pixel type:32 BIT FLOAT
Pixel spacing:(1.345 Å, 1.345 Å)
.αVβ8 integrin bound to latent TGF-β on holey carbon grids (particles have strongly preferred orientations): Stacks of 68,356 dose-weighted (in MotionCor2) particles contributing to the seven conformational snapshots described in the publication . Particles were selected after extensive 2D- and 3D classification. Images were recorded automatically using SerialEM on a K2 camera (dstep=5) in super-resolution mode on a Titan Krios microscope operated at 300 kV (Cs=2.7) equipped with an energy filter using a slit width of 20 eV. Images were binned by 2 using Fourier cropping and the binned pixel size is 1.345. This particle stack was combined with a stack of particles collected on graphene oxide to complement preferred orientations. The graphene oxide particle stack is deposited with the accession number EMPIAR-10344.
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