ID AF414772; SV 1; linear; genomic DNA; STD; INV; 379 BP. XX AC AF414772; XX DT 22-FEB-2002 (Rel. 70, Created) DT 29-SEP-2010 (Rel. 106, Last updated, Version 2) XX DE Physconelloides ceratoceps voucher Phcer.9.29.1998.10 cytochrome oxidase DE subunit I (COI) gene, partial cds; mitochondrial. XX KW . XX OS Physconelloides ceratoceps OC Eukaryota; Metazoa; Ecdysozoa; Arthropoda; Hexapoda; Insecta; Pterygota; OC Neoptera; Paraneoptera; Psocodea; Phthiraptera; Ischnocera; Philopteridae; OC Physconelloides. OG Mitochondrion XX RN [1] RP 1-379 RX DOI; 10.1046/j.0962-1083.2001.01412.x. RX PUBMED; 11903902. RA Johnson K.P., Williams B.L., Drown D.M., Adams R.J., Clayton D.H.; RT "The population genetics of host specificity: genetic differentiation in RT dove lice (Insecta: Phthiraptera)"; RL Mol. Ecol. 11(1):25-38(2002). XX RN [2] RP 1-379 RA Johnson K.P., Williams B.L., Drown D.M., Adams R.J., Clayton D.H.; RT ; RL Submitted (29-AUG-2001) to the INSDC. RL Center for Biodiversity, Illinois Natural History Survey, 607 East Peabody RL Drive, Champaign, IL 61820, USA XX DR MD5; dca2466e9f5ccc5c8b8ca19c93e774ec. XX FH Key Location/Qualifiers FH FT source 1..379 FT /organism="Physconelloides ceratoceps" FT /organelle="mitochondrion" FT /host="Leptotila jamaicensis" FT /mol_type="genomic DNA" FT /country="Mexico" FT /specimen_voucher="Phcer.9.29.1998.10" FT /db_xref="taxon:135603" FT gene <1..>379 FT /gene="COI" FT CDS <1..>379 FT /codon_start=2 FT /transl_table=5 FT /gene="COI" FT /product="cytochrome oxidase subunit I" FT /db_xref="GOA:Q8SED4" FT /db_xref="InterPro:IPR000883" FT /db_xref="InterPro:IPR023616" FT /db_xref="InterPro:IPR036927" FT /db_xref="UniProtKB/TrEMBL:Q8SED4" FT /protein_id="AAL78832.1" FT /translation="EVYILILPGFGLISHMLSDNSGKMEVFGSLGMIYAMVAIGVLGFI FT VWAHHMFTVGLDVDSRAYFTSATMVIAVPTGVKVFSWMATMFGSRVLWSPSELWGVGFI FT FLFTIGGLTGVVLANSSLDIVL" XX SQ Sequence 379 BP; 94 A; 39 C; 97 G; 149 T; 0 other; agaagtgtat attttaattc ttcctggatt tggattaatt tctcatatgt tgagggataa 60 taggggaaaa atagaggttt ttgggtcatt aggaatgatt tatgcaatag ttgctattgg 120 agttttggga tttattgtgt gggctcatca tatgtttaca gttggtttag atgttgatag 180 gcgagcctat tttacttctg caacaatagt aattgctgtt ccaacaggag taaaggtttt 240 tagttgaatg gctactatgt ttggaagacg agtgttatgg agaccttcgg agttgtgagg 300 agtagggttt attttcctct ttactattgg aggattaact ggagtggttt tagcaaattc 360 gtctcttgat attgttctt 379 //