ID AJ438210; SV 1; linear; genomic DNA; STD; PLN; 587 BP. XX AC AJ438210; XX DT 04-MAR-2003 (Rel. 75, Created) DT 13-MAR-2003 (Rel. 75, Last updated, Version 2) XX DE Brownanthus pubescens 5.8S rRNA gene, internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) DE and internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) XX KW 5.8 ribosomal RNA; 5.8s rRNA gene; internal transcribed spacer 1; KW internal transcribed spacer 2; ITS1; ITS2. XX OS Mesembryanthemum tomentosum OC Eukaryota; Viridiplantae; Streptophyta; Embryophyta; Tracheophyta; OC Spermatophyta; Magnoliopsida; eudicotyledons; Gunneridae; Pentapetalae; OC Caryophyllales; Aizoaceae; Mesembryanthemum; Mesembryanthemum; OC Mesembryanthemum sect. Brownanthus. XX RN [1] RP 1-587 RA Klak C.; RT ; RL Submitted (01-MAR-2002) to the INSDC. RL Klak C., Department of Botany, Bolus Herbarium, Rondebosch, 7701, SOUTH RL AFRICA. XX RN [3] RA Klak C.; RT "Phylogeny and character evolution in the Lampranthus group RT (Ruschioideae-Aizoaceae)"; RL Thesis (2001), Department of Botany, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, RL South Africa. XX RN [4] RX AGRICOLA; IND43643282. RA Klak C., Hedderson T.A., Linder P.; RT "A molecular systematic study of the Lampranthus group (Aizoaceae) based on RT the chloroplast TrnL-trnF and nuclear ITS and 5S NTS sequence data"; RL Syst. Bot. 28(1):70-85(2003). XX DR MD5; 5e07c5b56d2aec18d7f15e9ee7c18661. DR RFAM; RF00002; 5_8S_rRNA. XX FH Key Location/Qualifiers FH FT source 1..587 FT /organism="Mesembryanthemum tomentosum" FT /mol_type="genomic DNA" FT /country="South Africa" FT /db_xref="taxon:188796" FT misc_feature <1..216 FT /note="internal transcribed spacer 1, ITS1" FT rRNA 217..378 FT /gene="5.8S rRNA" FT /product="5.8S ribosomal RNA" FT misc_feature 379..>587 FT /note="internal transcribed spacer 2, ITS2" XX SQ Sequence 587 BP; 111 A; 202 C; 183 G; 91 T; 0 other; gatcattgtc gaaacctgcc tagcagaacg acccgcgaac acgtttacaa ccccgggggg 60 gcatgccctc cccaaccgcc gggggttgct cctcgtgggc ggctcccgcg caaacaacga 120 acccgggcgc ggaccgcgcc aaggaacatg aacaaatagc gtgccccccg cgcccggttc 180 gccggcgcgc ggtcgtgcac ctgtccatac tatttaaacg actctcggca acggatatct 240 cggctctcgc atcgatgaag aacgtagcga aatgcaatac ttggtgtgaa ttgcagaatc 300 ccgtgaacca tcgagtcttt gaacgcaagt tgcgcccgaa gccttcgggc cgagggcacg 360 tctgcctggg cgtcacgcat cgcgtctccc cccccagccc tcgtcgggga gggaggagga 420 tggcctcccg cgcctcaccg ggcgcggctg gcctaaaacg ggagcccacg gcgacgagcg 480 gccgcggcga ttggtggtgt aagagcctcg gatcgcgccg cgcgcccgcg tcgtcggggg 540 gctcgaagga ccccgagctt cgactcacaa cctttgcgac cccaggt 587 //