ID AVX04116; SV 1; linear; genomic DNA; STD; PRO; 825 BP. XX PA CP021330.1 XX PR Project:PRJNA384915; XX DT 13-APR-2018 (Rel. 136, Created) DT 13-APR-2018 (Rel. 136, Last updated, Version 1) XX DE Maritalea myrionectae tRNA 2-thiocytidine biosynthesis protein TtcA XX KW . XX OS Maritalea myrionectae OC Bacteria; Proteobacteria; Alphaproteobacteria; Rhizobiales; OC Hyphomicrobiaceae; Maritalea. XX RN [1] RG Cotde Inc.-PKNU RA Jang D., Oh H.-M.; RT "Genome Analysis of Maritalea myrionectae HL2708#5"; RL Unpublished. XX RN [2] RG Cotde Inc.-PKNU RA Jang D., Oh H.-M.; RT ; RL Submitted (15-MAY-2017) to the INSDC. RL Department of Marine-Bio Convergence Science, Pukyong National University, RL Hanmir Hall 1004, 365 Sinseon-ro, Nam-gu, Busan 48547, Republic of Korea XX DR MD5; 8c9ff8ef89b737aabf6258c70a54e322. DR BioSample; SAMN06853988. XX FH Key Location/Qualifiers FH FT source 1..825 FT /organism="Maritalea myrionectae" FT /strain="HL2708#5" FT /mol_type="genomic DNA" FT /country="South Korea:Cheju Island" FT /isolation_source="lava" FT /collection_date="2016" FT /db_xref="taxon:454601" FT CDS CP021330.1:1603165..1603989 FT /codon_start=1 FT /transl_table=11 FT /locus_tag="MXMO3_01586" FT /product="tRNA 2-thiocytidine biosynthesis protein TtcA" FT /note="Required for the thiolation of cytidine in position FT 32 of tRNA, to form 2-thiocytidine (s(2)C32); Belongs to FT the TtcA family." FT /db_xref="GOA:A0A2R4MDZ9" FT /db_xref="InterPro:IPR011063" FT /db_xref="InterPro:IPR012089" FT /db_xref="InterPro:IPR014729" FT /db_xref="InterPro:IPR035107" FT /db_xref="UniProtKB/TrEMBL:A0A2R4MDZ9" FT /protein_id="AVX04116.1" FT /translation="MDQATTPISRLFADMPKSVEFGKLRKRLLRQVETALNTYHMHEVR FT GRWLVALSGGKDSYGLLALLLELQMRGVIEQDLLVCNLDQGQPHFPKDVLPNYLNDLGV FT AHRIEFRDTYSIVTDKVPEGNTYCALCSRLRRGHLYRIAREEGCSALLLGHHRDDMLET FT FLLNMFFGGKMATMPPKLVNDEGDLAVLRPLALCEESDLQKFADGMQFPIIPCDLCGSQ FT DGLQRQMMKQMLADMEKKSPGRKDRMFAALQNVNASHLLDADLFDFGQINPQ" XX SQ Sequence 825 BP; 181 A; 198 C; 241 G; 205 T; 0 other; atggatcaag ccacaactcc aatttcccga ttatttgccg atatgccgaa atctgtggag 60 ttcggcaaat tgcgtaagcg attgctgcgg caggtggaaa ctgcgctcaa cacctatcat 120 atgcatgagg tgcgcgggcg ttggttggtg gcgctatcgg gaggcaagga ttcctatggc 180 cttttggcgc tgttgctcga gttgcaaatg cgcggggtga tcgagcaaga tcttctcgtt 240 tgcaatcttg atcaggggca gccgcatttc ccaaaagacg tattgcccaa ctatttaaat 300 gatttggggg tggcgcatcg catagaattt cgcgacacct attccatcgt caccgacaag 360 gtgccggaag ggaacactta ttgtgcctta tgctctcggt tgcgccgggg ccatctttat 420 cgcatcgcgc gggaggaagg ctgctcggcg ctgcttttgg ggcaccatcg cgacgatatg 480 ttggaaacct ttttgctgaa catgtttttc ggcgggaaaa tggcgaccat gccgcctaag 540 ctggtcaatg atgaaggtga cctcgcggtg ctgcggcctc ttgcgctttg cgaggagtca 600 gacctgcaaa aatttgctga cggtatgcag ttcccgatca tcccgtgtga cctttgcggg 660 tcgcaggatg gtctgcagcg gcaaatgatg aagcagatgc tggcggatat ggaaaagaaa 720 tcgccagggc gcaaggaccg catgtttgcg gccctacaaa atgtgaatgc cagccatttg 780 ttggatgcgg acctcttcga ttttggccaa atcaatccgc aataa 825 //