ID CAB13698; SV 1; linear; genomic DNA; STD; PRO; 1269 BP. XX PA AL009126.3 XX PR Project:PRJNA76; XX DT 18-JUL-2002 (Rel. 72, Created) DT 20-JUN-2024 (Rel. 144, Last updated, Version 16) XX DE Bacillus subtilis subsp. subtilis str. 168 secreted endo-xylanase XX KW . XX OS Bacillus subtilis subsp. subtilis str. 168 OC Bacteria; Bacillota; Bacilli; Bacillales; Bacillaceae; Bacillus. XX RN [1] RX DOI; 10.1038/36786. RX PUBMED; 9384377. 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E-mail: RL, Phone: +33 (0)1 45 68 84 RL 41, Fax: +33 (0)1 45 68 89 48 XX RN [5] RG Institut Pasteur and Genoscope RA Genoscope - C.E.A.; RT ; RL Submitted (29-JAN-2009) to the INSDC. RL Genoscope - Centre National de Sequencage: BP 191 91006 EVRY cedex - FRANCE RL (E-mail: - Web: XX RN [6] RG AMAbiotics and Genoscope RA Genoscope - C.E.A.; RT ; RL Submitted (24-JAN-2013) to the INSDC. RL A. Danchin, AMAbiotics, Bldg G1, 2, rue Gaston Cremieux, 91000 EVRY RL Bldg G1 Genoscope / CEA (Commissariat a RL l'energie atomique et aux energies alternatives): BP 191 91006 EVRY cedex - RL FRANCE (E-mail: - Web: XX RN [8] RX PUBMED; 29280348. RX DOI; RA Borriss R., Danchin A., Harwood C.R., Medigue C., Rocha E.P.C., RA Sekowska A., Vallenet D.; RT "Bacillus subtilis, the model Gram-positive bacterium: 20 years of RT annotation refinement"; RL Microb Biotechnol 11(1):3-17(2018). XX RN [9] RX DOI; 10.1111/1751-7915.14257. RX PUBMED; 37002859. RA Bremer E., Calteau A., Danchin A., Harwood C., Helmann J.D., Medigue C., RA Palsson B.O., Sekowska A., Vallenet D., Zuniga A., Zuniga C.; RT "A model industrial workhorse: Bacillus subtilis strain 168 and its genome RT after a quarter of a century"; RL Microb Biotechnol 00:1-29(2023). XX DR MD5; a653840a1119baa10f6d5f9792419e9a. DR BioSample; SAMEA3138188. XX FH Key Location/Qualifiers FH FT source 1..1269 FT /organism="Bacillus subtilis subsp. subtilis str. 168" FT /chromosome="1" FT /strain="168" FT /mol_type="genomic DNA" FT /db_xref="taxon:224308" FT CDS complement(AL009126.3:1942714..1943982) FT /codon_start=1 FT /transl_table=11 FT /gene="xynC" FT /locus_tag="BSU_18150" FT /old_locus_tag="BSU18150" FT /product="secreted endo-xylanase" FT /function="16.11: Scavenge (Catabolism)" FT /EC_number="" FT /note="Evidence 1a: Function from experimental evidences in FT the studied strain; PubMedId: 17028274, 24271172, 25355936, FT 26559526, 28330222, 29634785, 34361682, 34557520; Product FT type e: enzyme" FT /experiment="publication(s) with functional evidences, FT PMID:17028274, 24271172, 25355936, 26559526, 28330222, FT 29634785, 34361682, 34557520" FT /protein_id="CAB13698.1" FT /translation="MIPRIKKTICVLLVCFTMLSVMLGPGATEVLAASDVTVNVSAEKQ FT VIRGFGGMNHPAWAGDLTAAQRETAFGNGQNQLGFSILRIHVDENRNNWYKEVETAKSA FT VKHGAIVFASPWNPPSDMVETFNRNGDTSAKRLKYNKYAAYAQHLNDFVTFMKNNGVNL FT YAISVQNEPDYAHEWTWWTPQEILRFMRENAGSINARVIAPESFQYLKNLSDPILNDPQ FT ALANMDILGTHLYGTQVSQFPYPLFKQKGAGKDLWMTEVYYPNSDTNSADRWPEALDVS FT QHIHNAMVEGDFQAYVWWYIRRSYGPMKEDGTISKRGYNMAHFSKFVRPGYVRIDATKN FT PNANVYVSAYKGDNKVVIVAINKSNTGVNQNFVLQNGSASNVSRWITSSSSNLQPGTNL FT TVSGNHFWAHLPAQSVTTFVVNR" XX SQ Sequence 1269 BP; 378 A; 262 C; 299 G; 330 T; 0 other; atgattccac gcataaaaaa aacaatttgt gtactattag tatgtttcac tatgctgtca 60 gtcatgttag ggccaggcgc tactgaagtt ttggcagcaa gtgatgtaac agttaatgta 120 tctgcagaga aacaagtgat tcgcggtttt ggagggatga atcatccggc ttgggctggg 180 gatcttacag cagctcaaag agaaactgct tttggcaatg gacagaacca gttaggattt 240 tcaatcttaa gaattcatgt agatgaaaat cgaaataatt ggtataaaga ggtggagact 300 gcaaagagtg cggtcaaaca cggagcaatc gtttttgctt ctccttggaa tcctccaagt 360 gatatggttg agacctttaa tcggaatggt gacacatcgg ctaaacggct gaaatacaac 420 aagtacgcag catacgcgca gcatcttaac gattttgtta ccttcatgaa gaataatggt 480 gtgaatcttt acgcgatttc ggtccaaaac gagcctgatt acgctcacga gtggacgtgg 540 tggacgccgc aagaaatact tcgctttatg agagaaaacg ccggctcgat caatgcccgc 600 gtcattgcgc ctgagtcatt tcaatacttg aagaatttgt cggacccgat cttgaacgat 660 ccgcaggctc ttgccaatat ggatattctc ggaactcacc tgtacggcac ccaggtcagc 720 caattccctt atcctctttt caaacaaaaa ggagcgggga aggacctttg gatgacggaa 780 gtatactatc caaacagtga taccaactcg gcggatcgat ggcctgaggc attggatgtt 840 tcacagcata ttcacaatgc gatggtagag ggggactttc aagcttatgt atggtggtac 900 atccgaagat catatggacc tatgaaagaa gatggtacga tcagcaaacg cggctacaat 960 atggctcatt tctcaaagtt tgtgcgtccc ggctatgtaa ggattgatgc aacgaaaaac 1020 cctaatgcga acgtttacgt gtcagcctat aaaggtgaca acaaggtcgt tattgttgcc 1080 atcaataaaa gcaacacagg agtcaaccaa aactttgttt tgcagaatgg atctgcttca 1140 aacgtatcta gatggatcac gagcagcagc agcaatctac aacctggaac gaatctcact 1200 gtatcaggca atcatttttg ggctcatctt ccagctcaaa gcgtgacaac atttgttgta 1260 aatcgttaa 1269 //