ID JK752907; SV 1; linear; mRNA; EST; PLN; 386 BP. XX AC JK752907; XX DT 12-FEB-2013 (Rel. 115, Created) DT 15-MAY-2014 (Rel. 120, Last updated, Version 4) XX DE MC_395 Macleaya cordata growing leaves library Macleaya cordata cDNA, mRNA DE sequence. XX KW EST. XX OS Macleaya cordata OC Eukaryota; Viridiplantae; Streptophyta; Embryophyta; Tracheophyta; OC Spermatophyta; Magnoliopsida; Ranunculales; Papaveraceae; Papaveroideae; OC Macleaya. XX RN [1] RP 1-386 RX PUBMED; 23326424. RA Zeng J., Liu Y., Liu W., Liu X., Liu F., Huang P., Zhu P., Chen J., Shi M., RA Guo F., Cheng P., Zeng J., Liao Y., Gong J., Zhang H.M., Wang D., Guo A.Y., RA Xiong X.; RT "Integration of transcriptome, proteome and metabolism data reveals the RT alkaloids biosynthesis in Macleaya cordata and Macleaya microcarpa"; RL PLoS One 8(1):E53409-E53409(2013). XX DR MD5; fa8ff03b7a7c60ef3ffe8225536d07bd. DR EuropePMC; PMC3541140; 23326424. XX CC Contact: Jianguo Zeng, Yisong Liu, Jinjun Chen, Peng Huang, CC Pengcheng Zhu CC Hunan Provincial Key Laboratory of Crop Germplasm Innovation and CC Utilization and National Chinese Medicinal Herbs (Hunan) Technology CC Center CC Hunan Agricultural University CC Room 109, Life Science building, Hunan Agricultural University, CC Changsha, 410128, P.R.China CC Tel: +86-0731-84673824 CC Fax: +86-0731-84686560 CC Email: CC The Macleaya cordata (Willd.) R. Br. is a traditional anti-virus, CC inflammation eliminate, insecticide herb medicine in China. In CC recent years, more and more scientists focused on the researches of CC isoquinoline alkaloid application in the anticancer and rubbing CC medicine, veterinary drugs, animal feed additive, and biogas energy CC regulator. Improving the alkaloid levels in Macleaya spp. is a key CC step in the further extensive application of the species. XX FH Key Location/Qualifiers FH FT source 1..386 FT /organism="Macleaya cordata" FT /mol_type="mRNA" FT /sex="hermaphrodite" FT /dev_stage="developmental stage" FT /clone_lib="LIBEST_027733 Macleaya cordata growing leaves FT library" FT /note="Organ: leaves; Macleaya cordata growing leaves in FT September. EST sequences from the same plant of M. cordata FT for transcriptome and assessed the assembled unigenes from FT it" FT /db_xref="taxon:56857" XX SQ Sequence 386 BP; 95 A; 60 C; 84 G; 147 T; 0 other; ggggaacttg gtgttgctac ccgtctccct cgccctgaga atctggtgaa gcatgcagaa 60 agttgtatgt acagcccaat ctacagaaac taccgttgaa tcagtgctta acagttttgt 120 ggtgtaagtc tctatgtttt tatttgtatc tttctaattt tagttcttcc tcgagttttt 180 tctgtttttt ggttaagtgt tgtcagttaa gtttgatagg taagcatcat ggtgttgtgt 240 tgctagtcct gcctggcaca tgaaggttgt ttcatctaaa cttgagtcgt gtgtgaactt 300 tatataattt catatgaaat aaaatgtaat agtcttttgt gagcaaaact tgatggtgaa 360 ataatatctg atcaggctac ttagat 386 //