ID LC326401; SV 1; linear; genomic DNA; STD; INV; 651 BP. XX AC LC326401; XX DT 29-JUN-2018 (Rel. 137, Created) DT 18-MAR-2019 (Rel. 140, Last updated, Version 2) XX DE Tsuranarthrura shinsei Kakui_2017_2 mitochondrial COX1 gene for cytochrome DE c oxidase subunit 1, partial cds. XX KW . XX OS Tsuranarthrura shinsei OC Eukaryota; Metazoa; Ecdysozoa; Arthropoda; Crustacea; Multicrustacea; OC Malacostraca; Eumalacostraca; Peracarida; Tanaidacea; Tanaidomorpha; OC Paratanaoidea; Anarthruridae; Tsuranarthrura. OG Mitochondrion XX RN [1] RP 1-651 RA Tomioka S., Kakui K.; RT ; RL Submitted (02-OCT-2017) to the INSDC. RL Contact:Shinri Tomioka Hokkaido University, Faculty of Science; Kita 10 RL Nishi 8, Sapporo, Hokkaido 060-0810, Japan XX RN [2] RC DOI:10.12782/specdiv.23.61 RA Kakui K., Tomioka S.; RT "Tsuranarthrura shinsei, a New Genus and Species in Anarthruridae RT (Crustacea: Tanaidacea) from the Northwestern Pacific"; RL Species Divers. 23:61-68(2018). XX DR MD5; 4959ba028d33a2490c7dee76bedb236c. XX FH Key Location/Qualifiers FH FT source 1..651 FT /organism="Tsuranarthrura shinsei" FT /organelle="mitochondrion" FT /isolate="Kakui_2017_2" FT /mol_type="genomic DNA" FT /country="Japan:off east coast of Miyagi" FT /db_xref="taxon:2043225" FT CDS <1..>651 FT /codon_start=2 FT /transl_table=5 FT /gene="COX1" FT /product="cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1" FT /db_xref="GOA:A0A2Z5SBH7" FT /db_xref="InterPro:IPR000883" FT /db_xref="InterPro:IPR023616" FT /db_xref="InterPro:IPR036927" FT /db_xref="UniProtKB/TrEMBL:A0A2Z5SBH7" FT /protein_id="BBA66508.1" FT /translation="TLYFLFGIWGGGLGMSMSSLVRLELSLCGDILGDAQAYYTLVTAH FT AFVMIFFMVMPLMIGGFGNWLFPLMLYCPDMAFPRLNNFSFWLLPVSTSLLLLSMVSGE FT GVGAGWTLYPPLASESFHVSSSVDLAIFSLHLAGVSSIAASINFLSTFMNFQTGKPEKT FT SLFVWSIFITTLLLLLSLPVLAGAITMLLVDRNLNFCFFDPRGGGDPILFQHL" XX SQ Sequence 651 BP; 131 A; 110 C; 155 G; 255 T; 0 other; aactctgtat tttttgtttg gcatttgggg aggggggctt gggataagaa taagttcttt 60 agttcggctc gagcttagtt tgtgcgggga tattctgggg gatgcccagg catattacac 120 tttagtgacg gcgcatgctt tcgtaataat tttttttata gtgatacctt tgataattgg 180 agggtttggt aattggttgt tccctttgat gttatattgt ccggatatag cttttcctcg 240 gttaaataat tttagatttt ggcttttacc ggtgtcaaca agacttcttc tgcttagaat 300 agtttcgggg gagggggtag gggcgggatg aactctttat ccgcctctgg cttcagaatc 360 tttccatgtt tctaggtctg tggatttagc tatttttagc ctccatttag cgggggtatc 420 ttctattgcg gcttcaatta attttcttag aacttttata aattttcaaa cagggaaacc 480 ggagaaaacg agcttattcg tttggtccat ttttatcact actttactgc ttcttctttc 540 tctccctgtt ttggcgggag caattaccat gcttcttgtg gatcgtaatt taaatttttg 600 tttttttgat cctcgggggg ggggagatcc aatccttttc caacacttgt t 651 //