ID MW267084; SV 1; linear; genomic DNA; STD; INV; 312 BP. XX AC MW267084; XX DT 30-DEC-2021 (Rel. 144, Created) DT 30-DEC-2021 (Rel. 144, Last updated, Version 1) XX DE Rhopalomastix johorensis voucher ZRC_ENT00000930-D cytochrome c oxidase DE subunit I (COX1) gene, partial cds; mitochondrial. XX KW . XX OS Rhopalomastix johorensis OC Eukaryota; Metazoa; Ecdysozoa; Arthropoda; Hexapoda; Insecta; Pterygota; OC Neoptera; Endopterygota; Hymenoptera; Apocrita; Aculeata; Formicoidea; OC Formicidae; Myrmicinae; Rhopalomastix. OG Mitochondrion XX RN [1] RP 1-312 RA Wang W.Y., Yong G.W., Jaitrong W.; RT "Revision of the elusive ant genus Rhopalomastix (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, RT Myrmicinae) in Thailand based on morphology and DNA barcodes, with RT descriptions of three new species"; RL Unpublished. XX RN [2] RP 1-312 RA Wang W.Y.; RT ; RL Submitted (17-NOV-2020) to the INSDC. RL Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum, National University of Singapore, 2 RL Conservatory Drive, Singapore 117377, Singapore XX DR MD5; ca93b890fb568d211a41356aa9a20304. XX CC ##Assembly-Data-START## CC Assembly Method :: PEAR v. 0.9.6 CC Sequencing Technology :: Illumina CC ##Assembly-Data-END## XX FH Key Location/Qualifiers FH FT source 1..312 FT /organism="Rhopalomastix johorensis" FT /organelle="mitochondrion" FT /mol_type="genomic DNA" FT /specimen_voucher="ZRC_ENT00000930-D" FT /db_xref="taxon:624861" FT gene <1..>312 FT /gene="COX1" FT CDS <1..>312 FT /codon_start=1 FT /transl_table=5 FT /gene="COX1" FT /product="cytochrome c oxidase subunit I" FT /protein_id="QPF16324.1" FT /translation="LASNIFHSGPSIDLLIFSLHIAGMSSILGAINFISTIMNMHHKNI FT YLDKIPLLIWSILITTILLLLALPVLAGAITMLLTDRNLNTSFFDPIGGGDPILYQHLF" XX SQ Sequence 312 BP; 96 A; 69 C; 32 G; 115 T; 0 other; ttagcatcca acatcttcca cagaggccct tcaatcgatc ttcttatctt ttctctccat 60 attgcaggca tgtcatctat tctaggagcc atcaatttta tttctactat tataaatata 120 caccataaaa atatttattt agataaaatt cccttactta tctgatcaat cctaattaca 180 acaattttat tactcttagc attaccagtc ttagcgggag caatcaccat attattaaca 240 gaccgtaacc taaatacttc attttttgac cctattggag ggggagatcc tattttatac 300 caacatttat tt 312 //