ID VVA97617; SV 1; linear; genomic DNA; WGS; PLN; 543 BP. XX PA CABITT030000003.1 XX PR Project:PRJEB33482; XX DT 06-AUG-2019 (Rel. 141, Created) DT 06-AUG-2019 (Rel. 141, Last updated, Version 1) XX DE Arabis nemorensis hypothetical protein XX KW WGS. XX OS Arabis nemorensis OC Eukaryota; Viridiplantae; Streptophyta; Embryophyta; Tracheophyta; OC Spermatophyta; Magnoliopsida; eudicotyledons; Gunneridae; Pentapetalae; OC rosids; malvids; Brassicales; Brassicaceae; Arabideae; Arabis. XX RN [1] RA Dittberner H.; RT ; RL Submitted (29-JUL-2019) to the INSDC. RL UNIVERSITY OF COLOGNE, Prof. Dr. Juliette de Meaux, Zuelpicher Str. 47b, RL Germany XX DR MD5; 62b85b8274bbea13ba235c433ee509e6. DR BioSample; SAMEA5805615. XX FH Key Location/Qualifiers FH FT source 1..543 FT /organism="Arabis nemorensis" FT /mol_type="genomic DNA" FT /note="contig: 3" FT /db_xref="taxon:586526" FT CDS complement(join(CABITT030000003.1:7734294..7734648, FT CABITT030000003.1:7734748..7734935)) FT /codon_start=1 FT /transl_table=1 FT /locus_tag="ANE_LOCUS8062" FT /note="source:EVM" FT /note="ID:ANE-3G28710.1.cds2" FT /note="ID:ANE-3G28710.1.cds1" FT /protein_id="VVA97617.1" FT /translation="MDKTDHNSIDGSALELNRTERTVETVLRTTSMALSIAGLVIMMKN FT SISNDFGSLSYSNLGAFKYLVNANGVCATYSLLSALFELAIPCPISKLRVWTLFLLDQV FT VTYAVLAAGVVSAETVYLAYKGNKSITWSSACDYYGVFCHKALVSVLFTFVVSILYMSL FT SLISSYRLFSRFEAPKE" XX SQ Sequence 543 BP; 128 A; 125 C; 117 G; 173 T; 0 other; atggacaaga ctgatcataa ctccattgac ggctcagcct tagagcttaa ccgcacggag 60 agaacggtgg agacagtact gcgaaccaca tcaatggctt taagtattgc gggtctcgtg 120 atcatgatga agaactccat atccaacgac tttggctctc tttcttactc aaatcttgga 180 gctttcaagt atttggtgaa tgctaatgga gtttgtgcta cctattctct tctttctgct 240 ctctttgaat tagccattcc gtgtccaata agcaagctcc gagtctggac attgttcttg 300 cttgaccagg tggtcacata tgcggttcta gcggctgggg ttgtatctgc agagacggtt 360 tacttagctt acaaaggaaa caaatccatc acttggagct ctgcttgtga ttattacggt 420 gtcttctgtc acaaggcact agtctcagtt ttattcacat tcgttgtgtc cattctctac 480 atgtcgctct cgcttatctc ttcctataga ctcttcagca gatttgaagc acctaaggag 540 tga 543 //