Examples: histone, BN000065

Project: PRJEB36527

The thalamus of the brain acts as a relay station; taking inputs from several parts of the brain and then sending the information to the cortex and vice versa. It is also the structure know to affected in several brain developmental disorders such as schizophrenia, autism spectrum disorders, bipolar disorders etc. Upon in situ hybridisation one can visualise the expression of the transcription factor Tcf7l2 to be highest in prosomeric regions of the thalamus throughout development. With this information in mind we set out to find out, if the expression of Tcf7l2 is essential for the identity of the thalamic structure. Therefore, Tcf7l2 was knocked (KO) out using Cre+mice at embryonic stage E18.5 and postnatal adult stage P60. The E18.5 Tcf7l2 KO is a total knockout and the P60 Tcf7l2 KO is neuron-specific knockout. Total RNA was extracted and sent for sequencing using Illumina 2500. The data obtained was aligned by HISAT2 alignment tool, and the excon read counts were gathered using htseq counts, and expression normalization and differential gene expression was analysed using DESeq2.

Secondary Study Accession:
Study Title:
Effect of Tcf7l2 Knockout in the development and identity of Mouse brain Thalamus at embryonic stage E18.5 and P60
Center Name:
European Bioinformatics Institute;Centre of New Technologies;University of Warsaw
Study Name:
Effect of Tcf7l2 Knockout in the development and identity of Mouse brain Thalamus at embryonic stage E18.5 and P60
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