Project: PRJEB46674
Sediment samples were collected on the Deception and Livingston islands in the South Shetland archipelago (Maritime Antarctica) in the 2017/2018 summer. On Deception Island, sediment samples were collected near Crater Lake (CRL) (62°, 58', 52.0''S, 60°, 39', 62.9'' W), in triplicate. In Fumarole Bay area (FU) (62°, 58', 02.5''S, 60°, 42', 35.6'' W), samples were collected in duplicate from two sites in a transect: FU1 at 15 m far from the fumarole and FU2 at 12 m far from the fumarole. On Livingston island, samples were collected in triplicate in the Hannah Point region (HP) (62°, 38´, 49.1” S, 60° 36´ 11.0 W) from three sites (HP1, HP2 and HP3), along a transect of 27 m from inland towards the beach, being HP1 the furthest site and HP3 the closest site to the beach.