Project: PRJEB534
Despite their importance globally, both medically and economically, parasitic helminth (worm) research has remained relatively untouched by genomics. Worm infections account for morbidity equivalent to more than 100 million disability-adjusted life years from more than one billion infections globally. The 50 Helminth Genomes Initiative is collaborative project that aims to survey the genomes of nematodes and platyhelminths that are either of medical or veterinary importance, or as used as models for those. It will include all the neglected metazoan parasites. Preliminary illumina sequencing from these helminth species will be used to produce draft genomic assemblies which will create a unique genomic resource. Draft assemblies of the genomes will underpin research and progress into these neglected diseases. Gene and protein predictions will provide a resource that can be mined by researchers for diagnostic markers, new drug targets or vaccines. Comparing the genomes will yield evolutionary insights and will enable more to be learnt about the genomic basis for the huge differences in the biology of these parasites and the diseases they cause.