Examples: histone, BN000065

Project: PRJNA1022805

The DNA-binding activities of transcription factors (TFs) are influenced by both intrinsic sequence preferences and extrinsic interactions with cell-specific chromatin landscapes and other regulatory proteins. Disentangling the roles of these determinants in TF-DNA binding remains challenging. For instance, the FoxA subfamily of Forkhead domain TFs are known pioneer factors, yet their binding varies across cell types, pointing to a combination of intrinsic and extrinsic forces guiding their binding. How such sequence and chromatin influences vary across related Forkhead domain TFs remains mostly uncharacterized. Here, we present a principled approach to compare the relative contributions of intrinsic DNA sequence preference and cell-specific chromatin environments to a TF’s DNA-binding activities. We over-express a selection of Fox TFs in mouse embryonic stem (mES) cells, which offer a platform to contrast each TF's binding activity within the same preexisting chromatin background. By developing and applying a neural network that jointly models sequence and chromatin data, we can evaluate how sequence and preexisting chromatin features contribute to induced TF binding, both at individual sites and genome-wide. We demonstrate that Fox TFs bind different DNA targets, and drive differential gene expression patterns, even when induced in identical chromatin settings. Differential Fox binding activities can be attributed to distinct DNA-binding preferences coupled with differential abilities to engage relatively inaccessible chromatin. We propose that varying preferences for preexisting chromatin states enables the functional diversification of paralogous TFs. Overall design: Genome-wide ATAC-seq profiling of chromatin accessibility after over-expression of selected Forkhead domain transcription factors in mouse embryonic stem cells
