Examples: histone, BN000065

Project: PRJNA1067190

Pseudo-nitzschia is a cosmopolitan phytoplankton genus of which some species can form blooms and produce the neurotoxin domoic acid (DA). Identification of Pseudo-nitzschia is generally based on field material or strains followed by morphological and/or molecular characterization. However, this process is time-consuming and laborious, and can not obtain a relatively complete and reliable profile of the Pseudo-nitzschia community, because species with low abundance in the field or potentially unavailable for culturing may easily be overlooked. In the present study, specific ITS primer sets were designed and evaluated using in silico matching. The primer set ITS-84F/456R involving the complete ITS1 region was found optimal. Based on matching with a Pseudo-nitzschia ITS1 reference sequence database carefully-calibrated in this study, a metabarcoding approach using annotated amplicon sequence variants (ASV) was applied in the Taiwan Strait of the East China Sea during two cruises in the spring and summer of 2019.
