Project: PRJNA1081656
During this study, 16s RNA analysis have been realized on 16 samples.
1 original matter, 4 cysteine (day 14,21,28,76), 3 sulfate (day 14.21.28) for activated sludge.
1 original matter, 4 cysteine (day 14,21,28,76), 3 sulfate (day 14.21.28) for backwash water.
Metagenome analysis have been realized on 6 Samples:
Sulfate day 28 for activated sludge and backwash water.
Cysteine day 28 and 76 for activated sludge and backwash water.
From this Metagenome we recreated 4 MAGs of interest.
Dethiosulfatibacteraceae MAG65b, (72.41% complete, 3.45% contamination).
Fusobacteriaceae MAG139 (99.41% completion, 1.94% contamination)
Vibrionaceae MAG65 (77,30% complete and 0% contamination)
Desulfovibrionaceae MAG259 (99.41% complete and 9.53% contamination) .
There is also 9 metatranscriptome samples.