Examples: histone, BN000065

Project: PRJNA1081656

The goal of this study is to prove that hydrogen production could be associated with cysteine degradation and not always by sulfate reducing bacteria.

During this study, 16s RNA analysis have been realized on 16 samples.

1 original matter, 4 cysteine (day 14,21,28,76), 3 sulfate (day 14.21.28) for activated sludge.

1 original matter, 4 cysteine (day 14,21,28,76), 3 sulfate (day 14.21.28) for backwash water.

Metagenome analysis have been realized on 6 Samples:

Sulfate day 28 for activated sludge and backwash water.

Cysteine day 28 and 76 for activated sludge and backwash water.

From this Metagenome we recreated 4 MAGs of interest.

Dethiosulfatibacteraceae MAG65b, (72.41% complete, 3.45% contamination).

Fusobacteriaceae MAG139 (99.41% completion, 1.94% contamination)

Vibrionaceae MAG65 (77,30% complete and 0% contamination)

Desulfovibrionaceae MAG259 (99.41% complete and 9.53% contamination) .

There is also 9 metatranscriptome samples.
