Project: PRJNA111803
The aim of the study is to identify miRNA targets in Hodgkin lymphoma cell lines. By immunoprecipitation of wild type Ago2, it is expected to pull down the Ago2 associated gene transcripts. Through microarray analysis, the Ago2 associated gene transcripts identified are expected to be miRNA targets. Keywords: Ribonucleoprotein Immunoprecipitation - Gene Chip (RIP-Chip) Overall design: RNA isolated from the Ago2 immunoprecipitated (IP) fraction is hybridized against the RNA from total cell lysate (T) fraction. The experiment is performed in two independent Hodgkin lymphoma cell lines, L1236 and L428. In addition, RNA of flow through (FT) fraction of L1236 is hybridized against RNA of total cell lysate (T) fraction of L1236 to demonstrate the specificity/enrichment seen in the IP fraction and not in the FT fraction. All hybridizations is done with a dye swap design.