Project: PRJNA123209
In order to detect the microRNA expression profile of in vitro generated dendritic cells , purified monocytes from PBMCs were used as dendritic cell (DCs) precursors and were cultured in medium with cocktail for differentiation and maturation to immature dendritic cells (iDCs) and mature dendritic cells (mDCs). microRNA samples were isolated from precursor, iDCs and mDCs and used for microarray-based microRNAs expression profiles. Overall design: To generate enough amount of immature DC (iDCs) and mature DCs (mDCs), monocytes were differentiated with GM-CSF and rhIL-4 for 2 days and maturated in the presence of TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6 and PGE2 for another 2 days. With the anticipation to insight developmental-stage-specific microRNAs with potential functions related to monocyte derived DCs, global microRNAs expression profiling was set using microarray technology.microRNA expression profiles were performed in triplicate independent experiments starting for 3 groups of precursor, iDC and mDC generated from different blood donors.