Examples: histone, BN000065

Project: PRJNA125255

Screening cDNA clones from SSH library by hybridization with cDNA used to construct the library. Treated samples were drought-stressed cowpea plants, and control samples were cowpea plants subjected to a standard watering regime. cDNA clones from forward and reverse libraries are spotted on the same array, but data from each library were analysed separately after normalization using SSHscreen software (http://microarray.up.ac.za/SSHscreen ) to calculate Enrichment Ratio 3 (ER3) and Enrichment Ratio 2 (ER2) values for each clone. ER3 is a measure of differential expression, and was determined using a set of hybridizations with unsubtracted treated (UT) and unsubtracted control (UC) cDNA. ER2 is a measure of the relative abundance of a clone's transcript in the original tester sample, relative to other transcripts in the sample prior to the SSH process. ER2 for the forward library was determined using a set of hybridizations with subtracted treated (ST) and unsubtracted treated (UT) cDNA. ER2 for the reverse library is determined using a set of hybridizations with subtracted control (SC) and unsubtracted control (UC) cDNA. Overall design: Direct comparison of UT and UC cDNAs to calculate ER3 values for F and R library, including dye swaps and replicate arrays. Direct comparison of ST and UT cDNAs to calculate ER2 values for F library, including dye swaps and replicate arrays. Direct comparison of SC and UC cDNAs to calculate ER2 values for R library, including dye swaps and replicate arrays.


