Project: PRJNA137285
A strain harboring two copies of RAP1 is used for a competition-ChIP experiment. One copy of RAP1 is expressed from the endogenous RAP1 promoter and a c-terminal 3X FLAG epitiope tag and the other is expressed from a weakened Galactose inducible promoter and a c-terminal 9X MYC tag. Following induction by 2% galactose Rap1-Myc and Rap1-Flag levels are determined genome wide using ChIP-chip. Overall design: Time Course ChIP-ChIP experiment, Rap1-Flag IP and Rap1-Myc IP. 13 Time Points (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210, 240 Minutes) 2 Biological Replicates. Total Rap1 Occupancy at times 0 and 60 minutes in the time course; 2 Biological Replicates. mRNA expression levels at times 0 and 60 minutes in the time course; 2 biological Replicates. ChIPs comparing the occupancy of Rap1 in a strain containing two copies of Rap1, one with a Flag tag and one with a Myc tag, and expressed from an identical promoter.